Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You Go Bro!

My baby brother is growing up in one foul swoop! This last weekend, on the 14th of May, he graduated from Texas A&M University! WHOOP! We are all so proud of you little brother.

Landon also recently became engaged to his longtime girfriend, Lauren Hughes. We are all very excited to welcome her to the family and plan a wedding! A cute story...Laney saw Sleeping Beauty one day and said "Look, it's Lion (what she calls Lauren)!" Too precious, she thinks she is a princess! Her name will be Lauren Berg. So close to my maiden name. Tear.

Landon has a lot to figure out in the next few months but what a fun spot to be in. I recall graduating from college like it was yesterday, even though at times it is a distant memory. A visit to Aggieland quickly brings it all back....

Graduation was insanity for me. Matthew had to work on Friday and I got to handle my two children, in public, pretty much on my own. The major help was Andy, he is great with Lanes. Thank goodness Landon was the 4th one to graduate!

Finally she fell asleep for a little bit.

The Berg's
Laney's face proves how much fun we had waiting for Landon to get to come out. He couldn't leave early or the diploma nazi's would take his diploma!
We met the Hughes family at graduation and we all had dinner at Christopher's.

Yes, Matthew made it for dinner. He had to work on Friday but finally I had help. We all went out to the Chicken to celebrate. When I say we "all" I mean Lesley, Andy, Laura, and Matthew. It was not as fun as I remember, since you used to run into famliar faces and people you knew. Not. So. Much. I am offiically old. In fact, they didn't let me into the Dry Bean because my license was expired. I felt like a child! Hey, at least I got carded, hehe!

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