Nine Months. How is my baby girl already this age?! She currently weighs 17 lbs and 1/2 oz and is 27 1/2 inches long.
What a busy baby Landry has become! She is most certainly very observant and has a laid back personality that she gets from her Daddy. Landry has six teeth and is a speed crawler! I am afraid she will start to walk any one of these days and keep me even busier. She always seems to be saying "MaMa" and loves to clap! She will reach for my face and just kiss on me! One of her favorite thing to eat might be Baby Mum Mums. She knows her name and Laney's too. How she adores her big sister, I just love the bond they share. There is just nothing like having a sister. I'm elated that they love each other as they do and to witness the innocence of childhood.
Landry has a definite favorite item in our pantry. When she learned to crawl, I realized she would subtly sneak away to the kitchen. After a few occurences, I realized what she went for every time. Ketchup. A baby bottle of Heinz.
Here is a glimpse of one of Landry caught in the act. Please excuse our pantry.
Another love; rice puffs. Landry loves Rice Puffs in all flavors and brands. She eats them in her high chair, in a bowl, or out of the container. Again, caught in the act. I was laughing taking this, please don't judge.
Nine Months of this face and I'm still deeply, madly in love.
aw, sister, she looks just like your baby pictures but with blue eyes! I love her svm!
Beautiful blue eyes!!! Happy and so precious!!
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