Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Birthday my Landry

Sweet and silly Landry. I tell you this all the time: I never knew how much I needed you. What a precious child you are. Celebrating three years with you; what a sweet, magnificent blessing. I still remember the first time I laid my eyes on you and the immediate love words don't justify.

Things I want to remember about you always include....

You love holding my hand. We hold hands often and you are a little instigator. Love. Will never forget this.
You suck your thumb. You call me Momma. You call your Daddy "DaDa". You love your little friend Avary and she loves you. You take ballet and are adorable to watch.
We call you Lovey. Your Daddy must have started this but it has stuck and is your little nick name.
You are a cuddlier. As a baby, you weren't quite as much but now I often wake up to you patting my face or tickling my arm. All signs of affection from you and my heart melts.
 You love talking about your blue eyes and how we have brown. You even know that your Bumpaw and your B is where you got them from!
You adore your big sister. And you can't wait to be one! You are the most excited about this baby, always kissing my tummy, lifting my shirt, asking about the baby and realizing that this will be a new role for you.
The way you talk is adorable. I want to can it all up. I love the way you talk about the pronoun "she" and say things like "her isn't being nice" and "her said that "
You say Laney precious: Naney. Still, I hope it stays this way for a long time. You aren't afraid to tell people no or hurt feelings. You tell things how they appear and with complete honesty without sugar.
You like to chew gum but Mommy is mean and doesn't allow it. You love hearing the story about when you were born and we met. You love sashaying through the living room, kitchen, hallways and telling us "this is what I do at ballet". You like to talk back to Dora on the TV and tell her your favorite color is purple and other things that make me smile.
You are very silly and have a distinctive funny nature that makes all of us laugh.
The morning of your 3rd birthday you asked innocently "now are we a family?" as if there was a completeness with our crew.

We always needed a Landry; I just could not have imagined how much I would love you. I'm so thankful to be your Momma and to explore life with our little family with you in it.

Happy 3rd Birthday my precious child.

Jesus loves you and so do I!

Your Momma

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