Thursday, July 10, 2014

Colorado Summer 2014

The annual trip to Colorado. Well, it is annual for most of the family usually but somehow I've been pregnant or it's just hard to get all of the five of us and fame up there. This year, we did it! Except for Andy. Next year for sure. Still always the best days of summer.

Momma and I woke up to get on the road around 7 am. And, as fate would have it, my suburbans battery was dead. Of course.

Walmart, and Dilly, saved the day! We were on the road by 9:30 am and headed North to the the purple mountain majesties.

 My Momma's new earrings from me and Lesley for her birthday. Thankful to Paige Griffin and her amazing jewelry!

 Checking out Momma's earrings too.

 Let's talk about how God blessed me with travelers. I mean, I don't know how much Leyton fussed. Truly, maybe an hour total of bits and pieces of crying. But nothing like I expected. I suppose had Matthew been in the car it may have gone differently? But she was amazing. All of the Crowell girls know how to travel like troopers.

 Even New Mexico was lovely. I joke and call it the "land of entrapment" from one of my past lives and loves. But it's part of God's country too. And this trip I found the clouds to dance wistfully atop the road.

 We drove through a lot of rain. A lot. The drive to Colorado was very memorable. And scary at times. We had to pull over for about 15 minutes outside of Colorado Springs because it was hard to see. And driving through the mountains, well, it's always hard to see in pitch black.
 But we made it to Frisco. Where time always seems to stand still. I truly, more than anywhere on earth, feel closer to heaven here.

Look who's doing a happy dance at midnight to be out of the car!

 Good Morning Mountains!

 Leyton was happy here. She was happy all week! I think all the space to run around and carpet!

 Hey little walker. You were all over the Colorado "cabin" as Larry would call it. Running around like big baby.

 Cute Mickey.

 And Bumpaw......

 Leyton wasn't sure what to think of the totem pole!

 Laney worked on the United States of America puzzle. We went over all of the States and Capitals. Any bit of geography might help considering we are doing all spanish next year! Eek!

 Cheese face!!!!

 Look at Landry's pretty braids!

 Mommy's braid!
 We walked down to the park.

 And we went to Whole Foods. Tear. I still miss this place. I know I will never love another job like I loved this one. It's just not possible.
 Leyton loved swinging.

 My three girls. How unique and different they all are. Yet, each are kind and sweet in their own way. It amazes me still that is even possible. They are all three better than me and I am so glad they are mine. Never knew I needed three girls but they complete our little family.

 We made it to Whole Foods for a little pick me up.

 My Laney.

 Playing checkers with her Bumpaw.

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