Monday, August 18, 2014

Watercolor Day 3

Leyton does not sleep in on vacation. I quickly learned this. 6 am everyday. Painful with staying up at night. 

But we had a fun and busy day! Started off riding bikes and running.

Jen and I got up and ran/rode bikes. We went to the Boat Dock to check out paddle boarding. Then we all crammed into the suburban and headed for the beach! 

Matthew, the loving husband that he is, decided to go get in the ocean just as the rain started. Every single one of children was crying. Landry proclaimed "I hate this day!" and I will never forget that.

We kept trying to write our name and it kept getting washed out by the waves.

Sand baby!

We tried to go eat dinner at the Shrimp Shack. It was a little crazy but the girls were happy with their glow necklaces and bracelets.

And we took a lot of family pictures at sunset.

 I do not know why he does this. Every time we take pictures on the beach he wants to pretend we are making out. We really aren't but it's fun being attacked, I guess. I secretly love it I think. His crazy acting. As long as he doesn't throw me in. One day I bet he does.


Sweet girls. 

 The Menzel's

 I love this picture of Laney and Landry on the beach. One of my favorite's!

I'd say the sunset was pretty perfect. I loved all of these pictures. I didn't realize how beautiful it was when I was there. And in person is always better. Missing Watercolor right now.

I'd say it was a good day.

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