Friday, June 19, 2015

VBS 2015 Everest

Another great week of summer at Vacation Bible School. One of our favorite weeks and this one did not disappoint! 

The theme was Everest and we discussed God's power, love, healing, and forgiveness throughout the week. One of the details I loved was the banner hung had each of the children's names at VBS. 

Renee Barker and I had the 2nd graders and what a group. This picture was after we dominated in dodge ball. Ha! 
It was a tiring week but a wonderful one. The kids were precious and eager to hear God's word. We loved every minute! 

My girls. This is such a special week for us. I am thankful to have the opportunity to spend time with them and watch them praise and worship all week.

Sweet precious Landry. My tender hearted baby girl. She cried every day on the playground when she and Leyton would part ways. I adore how sweet she is to her babiest sister and protective by design. 
My snow baby spotted me across the room out of the 500 people. Mom radar I think!

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