Thursday, May 22, 2008


Words won't convey the anger, hurt, and fuming my heart found when I picked up Laney from daycare yesterday. Check out the bite marks by her eye. Livid.
She got bit by a another child that has an aggressive personality and has bitten multiple children. Obviously it's a problem. I can get past the biting, although I don't like it, children bite. But the daycare hasn't moved her out of the class or isolated the child enough to prevent the situation from happening again, clearly. I am just sick over having to leave Laney and exploring other options. What a bully.

Sleeping baby. Momma is not happy.


andydawn said...

I am soo sad you have to go through is so heart breaking! You are tough and so is Laney...yall will get through this :)

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

OH man!!!!! Poor little Laney.

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

It was because her cheeks just tasted so darn sweet momma!!!!

Jessica and Matt said...

Are you kidding me? I hope you find some sort of childcare oversight governing body to complain to! The fact that this has continued to happen is out of control. I'm sorry, Laura! At least her big pretty eyes will distract from the marks. :)

ThePoeFam said...

Laura, I'm so sorry! Unacceptable, for sure! I'm going to say a prayer that this gets resloved quickly!!! ... And, I agree with Molly...when I see her, I might have to take a bite too! :) She's so precious!

allyo said...

Oh...tears filled my eyes! I wish we all lived closer, so we could work part-time and take care of each others babies...or just find a nanny (andrea) that would take care of our kids, so we know they would be okay! Give her kisses from us!

Alison said...

Poor sweet girl. I am so mad for you! I am so sorry for both of you. Chloe sends kisses to Laney!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

while i am sad for laney i totally had a sad for parents too:( wups...kailyn use to bite and she actually broke kelseys skin doing it. i had to bite her back so hard on the arm to get her attention that her forearm was like black and blue...yes i thought cps was coming for me but only way to get her attention. i think 2nd kids are more prone to it b/c way to defend themselves from older ones...anyways even if she wasnt at daycare, if she was at a home daycare or even w/ you, it would still happen and every parent is different as the way they deal w/ it...i am sure not everyone bites their kid back, just me!! haha! once i was at the play area and a little girl bit kelseys head, yes like the top of her head and then pulled her pony tail to the ground...wanted to fight the kid and then the parent too b/c they did nothging but guess part of taking your kids into to the "world"...hard for parent or teacher to know how to handle situation... kids WILL eventually grow out of it...

Lesley said...

You're not alone Stacy, Jorja bit Laura back :) Love you sister!

carla's gateway said...

yes, I know the feeling... I remember picking Emily up from church nursery.... her "friend", Melissa, had "lovingly tasted her cheek" and I was NOT happy either... although in High School they were friends. Who knows what the future holds... but I volunteered often to keep the church nursery after the incident.

Nominate someone or something in need said...

okay so am NOT avoiding you on the marathon but i will say that my time is such an issue! yes i AM a COMPLETE WUS on that!!! i guess i just dont enjoy running like i use to? while i run all i think about is what i could be doing or the girls. i planned meeting w/ a girl and running like at 6am but yeah didnt work out so long:( janson is laughing at me b/c my workouts have been way random and kinda whatever i can fit in or do. guess it is just not a guys are a priority, i mean the idea of running w/ yall is what motivates me, not running a marathon...wups guess that is not good? just love my friends!!!