Monday, May 19, 2008

Eight and Great!

Eight months and Laney Kate is great! With the exception that she has been sick with bronchiolitis? I figure about once a month she gets something. And I, absolutely 100% blame the petri dish known as daycare. Shocking then that Laney catches "whatever" the common ailment of the day is. I can't complain though, she is happily still into everything and perfect as ever.
My absolute favorite thing at this stage is Laney's dancing. She bobbles and moves in her own unique fashion. In fact, when I say "Laney let's dance, dance Laney!" she gets excited and starts laughing then quickly gets grooving. It is simply precious. The pictures don't quite capture it but if you can imagine slow motion......lean back, lean back....

Here are some pictures we took at home today to celebrate her eight months of life. How precious and innocent babies are. I still can't believe she totally depends on me with such faith and trust. What a gift this baby girl is.
I love it that she cracks herself up. We just sit and laugh and it is the best entertainment. There is nothing sweeter to my ears than her little cackle.

She thinks if she just leans forward it will move, she hasn't figured out the foot part, yet.One hand trying for her pocket? Maybe? That might be pushing it but she is learning new things every day.

Many glimpses of Laney at eight months. This I know, I have a silly, fun loving, and vivacious little girl on my hands.

More pictures from the weekend to come soon, we had several firsts!


Lesley said...

so precious! Most beautiful baby I've ever seen!

Leigh Ann said...

Love the pictures...she is so sweet! We need to talk soon to make a plan for our fabulous trip to Houston!!
Love you:)

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

MINI SKIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes. she is precious.

andydawn said...

what a cutie....she is growing by leaps and bounds :) what a sweetie!!!