Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Lanesy Lately

I lack in the consistency department when it comes to blogging. I blame work. But a lot has been going on with Little these days.

Quick update for Lanesy....

She waves "bye bye" and says it after I do. In fact, when I say it at day care it makes her cry.

She calls me Nanananana. Here is a pic of her saying it. Mostly she screams at me or reaches for me: NaNaNaNaNa!

She can sign "fan" in baby sign. I am so proud! Her first time to really do it was this weekend!

She swims with her duck Grumpa (we have all kinds of names for my Dad- we will see what sticks) got her. M went under and I happened to take a picture, I thought this one was cute.

She has four teeth!

She is still pulling up on anything and standing. I don't know when she will walk but am afraid. But she loves going on Daddy's shoulders! Big Girl!
She is chasing kitty's! We went to Abilene after Dallas on Thursday and she was chasing Baxter.
She is walking along the edges of things, not sure what that is called. Here is a pic of her going down the window at our hotel Friday.

Last but not least, she screams for hours on end. I am hoping this is separation anxiety and a phase. I cannot handle working knowing she is screaming at someone or leave her for a function knowing she is upset. That part is just plain hard. And we are about to have our first time on an airplane on Thursday! I can't wait to see how she fairs.


ThePoeFam said...

Q went through the same seperation phase! It's NO fun for the mommies...that's for sure! But, it will get better and better! ... Your Little is so precious! I HATE that I'm not going to be able to make it this weekend! Can't wait to see you and her sooner than later, I hope! :)

andydawn said...

If Mason doesn't watch out Laney will have more teeth than him!

Leigh Ann said...

She will do fine on the plane, Aunt Leigh Leigh is going to have some benadryl with her:) Just kidding...she will do great. See you on Thursday!!!