Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On the go, always.

Here are recent pics of Laney--I know that is what everyone really wants to see. And recent catching up is below....
Per my last post, I am such a liar. I drove to Abilene for Father's Day. I get if from my mom, the itch to always be on the go, or to just be in the car. It's that feeling you get with the open road and freedom of the wheel? Anyone with me? And, shocker, this weekend I'm going back to Houston for a wedding. Seriously, I won't remember being tired and am young enough to bear it. I think. I was sure glad to see both of my parents, always am. And everyone got to see plenty of L. We decided on Grumpaw this weekend for my Daddy. We kind of got it from my Momma always calling him Grumpy Gramps. I think it's cute. Huge turning point this weekend. Instead of nursing L to sleep, (well I have started to dance with her to our song. I will post about it sometime.) M got her to sleep by reading his favorite book. In fact, I fell asleep to him reading Lonesome Dove when Blue Duck comes to get Gus and Lori. Did I mention she has six teeth? Yes, six. She is so flipping cute.

So, like I said, we went to Abilene for Father's Day and it was a surprise for my Dad and the Crowell's! A great one! I will never forget the expression on his face and it was well worth it. And we got to see Granny, Grandpa Richard and Great Grandmother Dorothy.

Taking off glasses is one of L's favorite past times. Lucky for her, most of us have them.

For Father's Day Laney made Matthew a book mark for all of his reading.
Watching Euro 2008....
And, Ms. L is up to mischief. She can now stand and let go of the objects she uses to get up. Her record is ten seconds then she sits down and claps. I think she was telling us she had six teeth in this picture though. Cute.

Standing with my Momma and my Lanes before I headed back to Round Rock. It was sweet holding her little hands having her stand up. Still, it's unbelievable how quickly she has grown.

I love this picture. Laney was too busy for a family picture on Father's Day. She was watching the kitty in the bushes instead.
Say bye bye!

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