Monday, June 09, 2008

Bermuda Triangle of Texas

Whirlwind weekend that started on Thursday of last week. I was going to drive to Dallas, fly to Houston, then back to Dallas for a commitment Matthew had on Saturday night. Hecticness. What I ended up doing was the better decision but still a rough one. I drove the Bermuda Triangle of Texas: Austin via Houston via Dallas back to Austin.

L and I drove to Houston on Thursday for Girl's Weekend. I had the "mothers intuition" that flying might be tough on Laney and thank goodness because poor Leigh got in around 1:30 am from delays. I don't know what we would have done. But I am so glad I still went.

Here are some pictures to recap the whirlwind:
Laney loves Mason! He is the sweetest little boy and would make me hold him when I was holding Laney. I think it would be a great workout holding two kids!

Mason was so cute. He kept doing what Laney was doing. Then she tried to do the stairs like Mason. Precious.

Laney loved Marcus too. She kept grabbing his face! And Andrea of course! I think Laney could have stayed at the Schultz's! Laney and Leigh, the baby whisperer. Leigh Ann knew how to calm Laney down too when even I can't. I am ready for you to be next Leigh Leigh! You will be a wonderful Momma!
Good Morning Honeys! They were all hugs. I wish Mason could have stayed all weekend!

Marcus holding two. Soon enough....Laney climbing the slide! I was so proud but it made me too nervous. I didn't ever let her make it to the top, I had to sit behind her so she wouldn't fall. We had all day Friday and we were fairly lazy. It was awesome. What I would give to have more of those kinds of days of vegging out. Next time, maybe not babies?Larry and Andy holding L and M! We went swimming and I dunked Laney under the water for the first time! AHHHH! It was scary but I am glad I learned how to do it!

I tried to get us matching suits, we both had polka dots! I really love trying to match what L is wearing, I am that mother. I think it's fun dressing with my baby girl! Being silly in the back seat with Leigh Ann. Laney and her tongue!

Favorite picture ever. I love this one of Leigh and Lanes. Team L! Camden and Laney meet again. Laney loved hugging on Camden because she is such a big girl! After dinner at Johnny Rocket's we went to the splash pad. It was great seeing all of you girls!!!!

My favorite part of the night was when they busted out dancing and Leigh Ann's comment " Is this really happening?!". I think you missed your calling to be a comedian!
Baby Caden Camp! He is such a good baby! My camera kept fogging up! Nice.Laney and Camden loved the baseball chair in the game room. We were getting ready to hit the road to the big D. Say bye bye girlies! Onto Dallas....we missed Daddy. We had a lot of fun at Casino learning how to play Craps. I can't even talk about the tantrum I threw though when we didn't win the Wii. Let me just give you the odds in our favor: We had 52 tickets in the drawing and the people that had 2 won the Wii. Forget that they already had one at home. Jealous bone. My Momma taught Laney to clap! I have tried and tried but she will now try and it's cute! Thanks for teaching her patty cake! First time down the slide and still my child is more interested in a straw. Note it's red and a straw, she loves both!Still in her mouth.... and still.....
Until we found the tiny stick pieces at the park. These were quite interesting...About to say goodbye to Daddy. It's awful watching these two, it breaks my heart every time. It isn't forever and it's for someday. But in the present it is down right hard.

It was a filled weekend with golden friendships, grey highways, sunshine, tears, and my favorite thing in the entire world. I physicall can't do all that driving for a while. Still, that isn't the part that I will remember. I am thankful for the girl's that made our weekend, the job that steals my husband, and my Momma for always sacrificing her time for her kids.
I'm going to be uber lazy this weekend.


My {Oh} My Musings said...

um i like the black dress your wearing w/ laney in the playground...where is it from?!

Sounds like girls weekend was good....sorry i missed it!

Alison said...

Way to go with all that driving! I am impressed! What a fun weekend! I can't believe how big and grow up that little girl is! Chloe and I can't wait to see her! We will be coming to Austin sometime soon! Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Tell Ms. L that she can come sleepover anytime. It was fun having you guys over last night. Next week when you come over maybe we can cook out :)