Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First "Real" Steps

Laney took her first real steps today. I got to daycare and Ms. Betty said "I don’t know if Laney took steps or just did this leap/lunge thing but she is just so close”. I got pretty sad about missing that moment. Then she grabbed Laney and made her stand without trying to sit down; she will always stand and then just sit but Ms. Betty would not let her sit this time. I stood in front of her and L took two to three steps towards me with her arms out. It made me cry. I am so proud of her accomplishment! And I know that Ms. Betty did not want me to miss it. It meant a lot to me that she had Laney do that while I was there. She will start walking at day care, and any day, but she made sure that I got to see those first real steps.


carla's gateway said...

YOU ARE THE MOMMY LAURA....YOU...YOU... YOU!!!! and it is so RIGHT that she walked into YOUR arms! I feel your heart in your words. I remember Elly's Sunday school teacher asking me.. "so how long has Ellena been walking?"...to which I said "WHAT????" ...seems that she decided to keep the event from all of us so that Em could keep carrying her, and we'd not know of her step to independence! It is not just day cares that get to see those things... even SS teachers share moments with mommies. Thank the LORD we love them enough to share! love your heart sweet lady!c

andydawn said...

WAY TO GO LANEY!!!! YEAH, keep it up and your mom will be chasing you EVERYWHERE :)

Alison said...

Oh my gosh, big girl!!!! Yeah for Laney! I can't wait to see her! We are coming to Austin in Aug! Love and miss you!

Elly Doran said...

How fun! First steps right into your arms! I love that. You are blessed Laura Crowell. Makes so much sense that Jesus asks us to become like a child huh? He wants our frst steps to be right into His arms as well. Thanks for sharing.

Brent Bednarik said...

Laura, first time I've been to your blog, and it's a great idea. Very funny getting to read about the adventures of the Crowell family. Laney's a cute kid, can you keep the blog going so I can read about the first time she brings a punk teenager over? If you could post a picture with the terrified look on his face that would be great. Take care.