Monday, September 29, 2008

Teetering Toddler

I received an email the other day from baby, which I have been a member of since I first found out I was pregnant. For the past year all of my emails have been titled "Your Baby at X Months, 1 week" etc. But the familiar title did not appear this past week. This past week it was titled "Your Toddler at One Year, Week 1". I didn't even recognize the familiar chain email. And it hit me, no more baby Laney.

Another proof, today when I dropped her off at daycare, well , Monday's are just plain hard. But today she knew I was leaving and blew kisses to me out the door. I just started bawling. In a moment I was so proud that she knew I was leaving and in the same moment I hated that I was. People say that this gets easier, I totally, absolutely, 100% disagree. It never gets easier; just more routine and was just as hard today as it was on day one. I am thankful she is so close.
Reviewing the pictures over the last couple of weeks, it's true. She is a teetering toddler.
Laney and her infamous touch down! She does it on cue and giggles proudly.

She cuts up and chit chats; on her phone!

She carries around and babies her baby doll and calls her "bebebebebe".
She cooks in her kitchen.

She plays the drums.
She drinks her sippy cup a "unique" way, with the spout further from her mouth. She purposely turns it this way and sips, definitely her own personal preference. There are pink chics on her pants and she points at them! She knows she is a cute chic too; to mommy the cutest! She dresses like me! I realized today that I had on a pink/orange shirt and blue jean skirt and she did also. I think I do this subconsciously sometimes. She climbs into her chair for story time.

She cracks herself up. She crashes hard and can sleep in the most odd positions, yesterday she was touching her toes!

I miss my baby Laney but I adore my toddler! Life just gets sweeter and sweeter with my heart beat.

We went to the park after the Cowboys lost on Sunday; hoping it would get M's mind off of the loss. Laney still loves to swing and especially in our laps. And I am fairly certain it got his mind off of the Washington Redskins.


ThePoeFam said...

What a precious post of your precious BIG girl! Q just turned one and a half and I can't believe how fast these six months have gone!!! It went faster than the first, for sure!!!...Her party was precious! You did such a great job and that little tutu made me even more sure that I have to have a baby girl one day! You are such a good mamma...can't wait to see you all in a few weeks...I think Laney and Q are going to have so much fun playing! ... Happy Birthday, sweet little miss priss! :)

Lesley said...

sister, y'all are so cute! I love and miss y'all so much!

Alison said...

I cannot believe she is 1!!!! Such a big girl! I LOVE the pink tutu! Where did you get that??? I am so sorry I have been such a bad friend lately, I feel so much more busy with Chloe into everything now! I miss you tons and need to see that sweet girl soon! Give her a big hug and kiss from us! Love you!

Meg said...

hey laura!! i'm so so glad you left me a msg!! YES the waco marathon is supposed to be tough but i've heard it's more due to lack of atmosphere...i.e. fans, lots of other runners to chat w/, look @, etc. but you are SO excited and SO ready i know it will go great! i am not running it b/c of the infertility deal...BOO!! email me if you have ANY marathon questions or P.S. your daughter is soooo beautiful!! i think the age of discovery she is at is the most fun!! XOXO!

andydawn said...

Laney's hair is growing in the she going to have long beautiful hair like her momma :)