Saturday, October 04, 2008

Where is your Belly Button?

Laney, where is your belly button? She knows. And she loves her belly button. In fact, she even plays with mine.

Laney woke up at 7 am this morning "bellying" her belly button. And I caught her in action this afternoon. Lel, I thought you would appreciate this post.

These are the conversations you have with a one year old. As silly as it sounds; they are entertaining.


Lesley said...

i LOVE that!

hollie-o said...

I can't believe she's already a year old! I can't believe how big she's getting.

I miss you Laura! When can we see each other or just catch up?!!!

I miss my friend!

Emily Suzanne said...

That's so cute! I have a friend who's daughter was obsessed with her belly button! CUTE!!!
Also love the new blog look... I've been meaning to re-do mine for the fall, but haven't found ANY time... I'll get there eventually!

campers said...

Caden has a book about belly is so cute! It is by Sandra Boynton....I think Laney needs this book!