Monday, November 17, 2008

Thank you Feet

I finished the first Rock 'n Roll marathon in San Antonio! A goal I have had for the past five years. Finally, I got to cross the finish line after 26.2 miles. It was truly an amazing experience every single dang mile. And I owe it all to my feet and support. I now look at those toes with adoration and love and have never been as thankful to have such a loving family. Not only to get me to and fro every single day but to help me accomplish a lifelong dream. And after coming down with a virus that lasted from Thursday evening til Saturday morning, I was fortunate to be able to do this. I am very much on a runner's high still.

The race day began around 4:00 am Sunday morning. It was like waking up for the first day of school or Christmas for me. It was just really exciting and nervous all at once. I didn't realize how much fun I would have. And I say this for the first 20 miles. After that, well, I forgot why I ever wanted to do a marathon. I wanted to walk or cry or get a pump on a bicycle, anything but be on my feet. I will get to that though.

I wore my marathon shirt I got in St. Louis until it got too hot! It was a chilly morning but I never ever wear pants. I hate getting too hot!

Mile 1 was down Broadway into Downtown. I remember seeing a billboard for Acenar; a hotel's restaurant where we once had stayed and had gotten dessert. Matthew and I once made fun of the name; I recalled as I smiled to myself. I knew early on that it was going to be a fun run. The the temperature was about 38 degrees and I figured it would take me about 4 hours. I knew I wasn't in peak condition and I started in a corral that was . There were 32 corrals and about 30,000 people. Again, it was thrilling. Only 25.2 to go.

Mile 2-Mile 7 I had my I-pod and the music was just upbeat and fitting. I feel like the first few miles flew by. Everything seemed perfect and in sync. At every mile was a band and every 1/2 mile after was water, cheerleaders, and some sort of snack. It was a very well organized event with volunteers and fans holding up signs that were clever and funny. My favorite referenced The Office and Run Hard- That's What She Said. I think I found myself at mile 7 realizing I was running the marathon that had I had dreamed of running. The first one, well I ended up pregnant. Thank goodness! The second one, Hurrican Ike. And three times the charm in San Antonio. And I found myself realizing it was absolutely worth the wait. Truly the first seven miles flew by. I started texting Matthew to let them know where I was at and see where they were.

Suddenly, at mile 8.5, I found my cheering section and heard my name! Matthew, my Momma, Laney, and my sister. I remember seeing them all screaming my name and smiling and then I started getting choked up. It was def a highlight to the run. I was so happy to see my family. Lesley ran about 100 yards with me. Did I mention she was getting the bug we all had? Wait for it....
I quickly kissed everyone and continued on. Laney kept pointing at us as we ran off.....

I knew Lesley had planned on mile 19.5 to the finish with me but because she was sick I wasn't sure. I should have known no matter what she would be there. That is just what sister's do. Anyway, I continued on...

At mile 10 I looked down at my feet. I thanked God for what happened in St. Louis and remembered how . I had a chip they sent me that says " I ran with Ike ten miles" and I embraced that memory. And then I ran past it.

Mile 11 I started praying for people that had touched my life and that I was thankful for. This was a great distraction.

Mile 13 I was still going strong. I realized here that I was going faster than I anticipated and Boston might be a possibility. I tried to just focus on finishing in four hours. It was a struggle but I knew that I wasn't 100%. The day before a running coach warned me that I wouldn't run the race I had planned without the stored energy but that I just needed to finish.
Mile 15 I was kinda tired. My right knee started to throb, which was odd, and I was starving. I will never forget the Oreo cookie that I had at one of the stops. It saved my life and my growling stomach. I had a sudden burst of energy again. I felt great. Thank gosh for Oreo's.

Mile 17 I told myself in two miles you might get to see your sister! And I was hoping I would. I knew she could get me through. Still, I was smiling and happy to be running. At one point someone commented to me to keep smiling! I could not believe I had less than 10 miles. I was really trying to enjoy the success and pain of each one. I knew in my head nothing last's forever.

Mile 19.5 I see Lesley and Matthew waving up and down, getting gatorade and a Luna bar ready. I was glad to have company and motivation. And Lesley kept saying if she got sick to keep going. I never would but she didn't. At first I was giddy and happy. Shortly though....

Mile 20. A new threshold since I had run 20 miles before but not past. "The wall". I knew it and felt it and hated it. I was certain my legs were going to freeze up. And does anyone really know how to stretch out a knee?! I mean really? I tried to about six times.

Mile 20-23 Pain. Hurt. Questioning. A few hills, bands were on my nerves, I didn't want do this anymore. This sucks. Seriously, ugh. Why do people do these?!

Mile 24 I could laugh again. But I did not want my Ipod and gave it to Lel. I was hot and wanted to take my shirt off. And I was chafed under my arms. But anyone can do two miles. Right?
I just kept thinking "I am almost done". And I saw a guy standing in the middle of the road. He looked like a coach that had just finished running. As I ran by he held up two fingers and said "Only two more" and gave me a high five. It was exactly what I needed. Shortly after, a woman was walking by me and simply said "Marathoner". I realized, I was about to be one!
Mile 25 I realized the next mile marker I would see would be the last one before the finish line. It was one foot in front of the other. I never walked. I wanted too; I absolutely did. But how do you walk at mile 25 knowing it would be better to be done? And Lesley wasn't about to allow it. Plus, she said my baby was at the finish line. I couldn't wait to see her.

Mile 26 we started to curve into the Alamo Dome from the access road. I knew I might cry and told Lesley. She said "Save your energy" and I thought, okay, when I see the finish line then I will. We began to turn and she cut off and quickly said "see you at the finish". I saw her out of the corner of my eye and the crowd of people. But she didn't stop running. In fact, she ran as far as she could screaming "Go Laura! Go Laura Sue!" and everyone around her chimed in. It was awesome! I remember distincly the little girl cheering me on.

The last .2 mile I finished alone.

The finish area curved yet again and I saw the finish line. And all the people. And I had more energy at that moment than I did the entire race. I felt so strong. And elated. And happy. And I ran hard despite the finish was steep and uphill. I heard my name but was too focused on the finish to realize it was my Mom, Matthew, and Laney and everyone around them yelled for me too! I know at that moment I smiled and put my arms up and I thanked the Lord above for all of it. And I was actually way too happy to cry. Here I am booking it down home stretch and then a pic from behind.

And I finished in 3:46:05.

I found everyone at the family reunion area station XY and we celebrated and hugged. And I loved the memories we made November 16, 2008. It was perfect.

Matthew was the best navigator and map reader. He made sure that everyone made it to the mile markers and finish line because he knew how important it was to me. And I'm lucky to have him. Especially with the time dedication this has taken.

My Momma sure was proud of us and it always makes me feel good to see that in her eyes. She was proud of me for running 26.2 and of Lesley for running sick. I always cry saying bye to my precious mother. Lesley is the best , most loyal, and dependable sister I could have asked for. I am so glad she is mine!

My heart beat. I didn't do the first one because she came along. But it would never have been as sweet of a finish. I am so glad things played out the way they did. Knowing she was there at the finish got me through. Her shirt read "Go Mommy Go!"

My first marathon won't be my last. But it will always be the most memorable.


allyo said...

I am soooo proud of you! I cried off and on throughout this whole post. You are blessed with such an amazing family! Thank you for your mile-by-mile replay. I am so proud of you (know that I already said that, but I really mean it).
Love you Laura Sue!

Roman's Roost said...

Wow! That is all I can say. You did it! You crazy girl.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! So proud of you. Awesome job my friend.

ThePoeFam said...

I loved reading your play by play and cried as I saw the emotions that you went through on such a special day! Way to go...way to accomplish something that was so very important for you! I'm super duper impressed! HUGSSSSS!!!!

Emily Suzanne said...

Way to go!!! This is truly amazing... I"m so impressed! It's true that the human body can do so much more than we give it credit for. Girl, you are like a car or a horse to go 26 miles!! ha!
I had a hunch you were running this weekend. I know three other people who ran from SA.
Just INCREDIBLE... stupendous!!! Congratulations!

andydawn said...

WAY TO GO!!! SOOO SOOO Proud :) I knew you would have your special day!! Even more special to share it with the ones you love rooting you on!

Ashlea said...

Congratulations Laura and welcome to being a marathoner! Someday we'll run one together I promise but for now enjoy relaxing and enjoying a job well done!

Kristin McNeil said...

congratulations laura. someday you will be able to tell laney that 'momma did it!' my sydney was definitely part of my motivation.
kristin (wildner) mcneil

Andi said...

YEAH!!! I am glad your dream has finally come true. I am very proud of how you have stuck it out three times!! I haven't done much since my last one, but I am now totally motivated by reading your post. I would love to run one with you someday. Your encouraging words would definitely keep me going!


YouAreMyJoy said...

Wow Laura!! That is such an amazing story! My heart was beating fast just reading about it! Congratulations!

Meg said...

laura!! i am so so proud of you!! holy cow 3:46 is smokin'!! isn't it the most amazing accomplishment ever?? no one will ever be able to take away from you that you are a marathoner!! which one do you want to do next?? it is so addicting!!