Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Our life is busy, or just too busy for me to find time to sit down and blog. I mean, I am on the computer all day, but I have missed the opportune time to sit down and blog. Such is life. In a nutshell here is a quick catch up over the past couple of weeks.

We played in a dress at the ranch over Thanksgiving.

And we sang Happy Birthday to Granny V!We went into Fredericksburg to shop and had lunch outside. I love Fredericksburg.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving and family time in Llano and also in Abilene. And we loved getting to see our 2nd cousin Julianna.
And playing with Momma's Aggie Ring. Poor Aggies, we did not have a good season this year. Or last several. I still love the school.

And I have not been consistent with my picture taking either. But random happenings in the past few weeks that we have learned.
  • Laney is a biter. After my fit, it turns out, Laney shows her affection in an odd way and will kiss but bite my lip or her friends arm at daycare. Recall, I was the livid mother that met with the director to pull her out of daycare. Lesson learned. But I love her kisses no matter how they come.

  • We have three molars. Sleep the last couple of weeks has been hit and miss.

  • She is a climber. Chairs, fences, boxes, tables, cabinets, anything she can get up on she will.

  • Her favorite words are Bye Bye, Baxter, No, Mi Mi, Bye Dae--translates to Bye Daddy.

  • She loves playing the piano.

  • She loves petting animals and patting faces. She will do this soft once instructed; sometimes.

  • Laney loves the " I went to a chinese restaurant" chant and puts my hands together to clap for me/Daddy to do this.

  • We can make the "popping" noise with our fingers in our mouth. I did not know I could do this until about a week ago. Laney tries to do it too and did once! Too cute. I have pictures I will post on this one.

  • Her hair has grown a lot! Mostly in the back but when I wash it and it is wet it hits on her back now!

  • She knows how bubbles work. She tries to blow them but the funny thing she does is grabbing the bottle to give to me. If I don't respond she grabs my hand to put the bottle in my hands and will go and sit down just to watch. It's hard to explain but she is quite comprehensive. And bossy. Hmm. I don't know where she gets the latter from.

I think that is all for now. More to come soon!


Emily Suzanne said...

Bossy kids! They are so cute... and I thought I might have something coming to me for being so bossy to my little sisters all these years!! My Zayne is getting increasingly bossy. Oh man!
Looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving!
I'm getting together Christmas cards this year and thinking I'll add you guys to our list.
Could you send me your address?

andydawn said...

What a sweetheart! She is getting more hair :) LOVE IT!

ThePoeFam said...

Sweet pics...Thanks for updating! :) Hope your life slows down a bit! Love ya!

Alison said...

I love reading all about that sweet girl! So much to look forward too! Hope things slow down a bit! Will you be in Abilene over Christmas? Miss you and love you! Give sweet Laney a kiss from Chloe!