Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Paradise Found

We just got back from our first "real" getaway from the Virgin Islands! I quickly learned staying in downtown Austin vs. an ocean between me and Laney was not quite close to the same. But I still had a blast, quite surprisingly, and it was nice to be adults and not parents for a few days. Although, having an ocean between me and Laney was difficult. Still, we couldn't have had a better trip or weather! And after looking at pictures I want to go back! The wedding was wonderful and the group we got to hang out with was a lot of fun :).Our arrival to the Virgin Islands off the plane, first sunset, first glimpse of the clearest turquoise water, and first glimpse of the hotel grounds. Paradise.

The view from the taxi going to the beach, sunset on Cruz Bay, Conch (yum!), and hanging out at Woody's. We had hoped to see Kenny Chesney, as this is a local bar he has his wedding reception at and so Texas. We loved it!

This was Cinnamon Bay and we found the most amazing deserted beach. Seriously, there were four of us. We took a hike to get to it but I was so glad not to have the crowded beaches that you seem to find everywhere else!

We stayed here all day long our first day and it was just simply put amazing. I won't ever forget our time here. I think this vacation ranks in the top ten days of my life for sure. The perfect sea shell we found for Laney at Cinnamon Bay, it is beautiful:

It is hard to see but Jenny and I swam out back to the public beach around the coral reef. It was so scary because I saw a big fish jump out of the water and was thinking I wonder what is chasing that fish. So we swam fast! You can barely see our heads in this pic:

Rehearsal dinner was at a place called Crazy Cracker and so much fun!

The wedding was sweet and simple on the shores of Trunk Bay.


And Matthew holding me pretending like he was going to drop me in!

Back at Cruz Bay outside our hotel; I'd marry you again and again Matthew Crowell.

Matthew and the infamous Johnny Cash song "Ring of Fire" and the performance he always perfects ;). It's hilarious if you've never heard him.

Dancing the night away......

The next morning at 6:45 am we went on a tour of the British Virgin Islands. It was incredible to see the batholiths, Jos Van Dyke, and Marina Cay. We had a blast snorkeling and a day full of swimming. One bar called the Soggy Dollar we had to jump off the boat and swim too. All in all, a unique experience.

Right before James got pushed into the pool by Jenny.....

Our last dinner at the Balcony the night before we left. And we all met up at Woody's and the Beach Bar our last night. What a trip. I wouldn't say it was relaxing because we were always on the go but it was pretty close to perfect. And I hope we really do go back as a group every five years....


Baby McMinn said...

I want your tan! I was in my running shorts yesterday horrible. And we were just in the Dominican and I was red now back to white. Looks like yall had a great trip.

Nominate someone or something in need said...

that looks amazing! so glad yall got to get away:)))

andydawn said...

can you say JEALOUS :) What amazing pics...LOVE THE BEACH!!!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

well, i was just gawking at your pics on facebook that other people posted! JEALOUS!! YOu look amazing as usual. And, I'm so glad you and Matthew got to get away and be married again without babies, BAR exams, Whole FOods, moving, etc!!! The baby is growing/I am growing. I can only dream of being as cute as you pregnant. :) I need to post a 17 week pic. Love you.

Roman's Roost said...

I wish I was jealous of you. Looks like you had a blast. Good for you having couple time. You go girl!

Emily Suzanne said...

I'm so happy you guys got to go have fun and get away before the big move! So nice!!
Looks like paradise for sure! I'm jealous.