Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Party at Perini's

We had a celebration in Abilene this past weekend in Matthew's honor! After three years, 80,000 miles, and a bar exam we have a J.D. in Matthew Lane Crowell! It was a lot of fun and a great turn out despite the 40 degree weather! We had the fire pit and heat lamps and managed to all snuggle and keep warm.

Richard's entire family came into town from all over! New Mexico, San Antonio, and Austin; M's Grad School Buddies, cousins, the Berg's, Madie and Mary E., Crick and Nick, and it was just the perfect mix! Matthew Lane you sure are loved!
The Crowell's and I gave him a rock that had the inscription: A leader is one who assumes responsibility. He had this quote in his car when his truck got stolen and was very upset about it. The rock is from the Crowell's farm and now M can always remember his favorite saying.

The next morning we all had breakfast at Dorothy Crowell's. It was such a pleasant and sweet visit with everyone. And Sunday was beautiful! The older I get the more important and precious these family ties become.

And we got see Miss Bailey! Matthew got to meet her and so did Larry and Jorja. She is so precious and a perfect blend of two of my favorite people; Cricket and Nick. I can't wait to see Miss Bailey again!

The complete story of the weekend doesn't fall into pictures. I had these pair of black boots that I wanted to wear with my dress. And I just knew that I packed them. Matthew loaded the car, I bathed Laney. Well, somehow in the chaos of getting on the road I thought they got left in Round Rock. All four pair of shoes that I was taking to Abilene were in Round Rock. Again, I thought. The important moral of the story is I went on a boot hunt on Saturday about two hours before the party. Well, it's March and boots are not in stock in major Department stores. But they were at Village Shoes!!!! A shoe blow out. They had boots for $20, $30, and $40 that were regularly $100, $200 and $300. Guess how many pairs of shoes I got? Please guess, keep it sane, but I won't have to buy boots for a while! Here is the kicker, the shoes were in Abilene in my closet in an Anthropologie bag. My bad. But I sure did benefit from this mistake! And so did my sister! Sometimes it pays to be irresponsible yal.


Hayley said...

You crack me up! That is sooo something I would do with the shoes. I would think you probably got a range of tan, brown, black? So maybe 3 or 4.

carla's gateway said...

yes... that was a rather ridiculous weekend in regards to weather out here!!! but looks like it didn't dampen the celebration one bit! we are sooooo proud of Matt... (and you!) congratulations yet again from the L. Gap crew.