Monday, March 30, 2009

Somewhere even further down in Texas

We are now here. What once seemed like a distant thought in the future is our present. I find us packing up sweet memories and moving our life to San Antonio. I wouldn’t say that I am devastated about heading further south to Mexico. But a piece of my heart is sad. I am deeply going to miss these roots we planted, what at time seems like yesterday, three years ago. I recall finding our limestone house where we would begin our life together.

We had the dream to settle down in Austin, Texas. Come on, who wouldn’t? I know it’s liberal and weird but the hill country is the most beautiful part of Texas I’ve ever cast my eyes on. It all started with the move from Dallas to Waco and Matthew dragging me kicking and screaming. Not really, but sort of. I loved my single life in Dallas and being independent and on my own. That was a bittersweet move and it was time. Leaving here and now is quite different. We have fast forwarded a few years and in that cocoon of time we found a place to call home, got married, hustled through law school, commuted to Waco, commuted downtown to work, trained for three marathons, became pregnant, found special friendships, created a quaint nursery and home, had our precious Laney, learned to be parents, graduated law school, took the bar, threw parties, and here we are for whatever is next. A few milestones found us in Round Rock, Texas. Blessed doesn’t cover the time we have spent here. And I feel like we went through more in three years than some people ever get the chance to. We had it tough but we wouldn’t have had it otherwise.
The Round Rock in Texas will always hold a piece of me. Through the thick and thin and hardest times; I wouldn’t change a minute of this journey. There have already been many tears and I’m certain more will surface.
The Miss List:
Sunsets from our backyard

Hut’s Hamburgers
Town Lake- God only knows how many miles I have run here. I love running near water. Dallas had White Rock, Austin Lady Bird Lake, I hope to find my spot in SA.
Jo’s Coffee
Home Slice
The Driskill
My Friends- I’m lucky.
Magnolia Café
Whole Foods
Alamo Draft House
The Domain
The playground across the street from our house
My neighbors

Being one who loves change; I will eagerly embrace and jump into our life somewhere further down in Texas. Good bye Round Rock; hola San Antonio.


campers said...

Change is hard....but I know y'all will do great! So excited for y'all!

andydawn said...

I wish it were Houston! SA too! Girl..I dont' know how you did minute on the beach the next packed and moved...I can't wait to see you again.

carla's gateway said...

seems that those "new seasons" are coming to many these days! You will be loved and loving that SA area very soon I'm thinking! You are "the unsinkable Laura Crowell"! the undeniable optimist that everyone will want for their friend! I look forward to the post about all the reasons you are glad you are now in SA!

Roman's Roost said...

On a brighter note San Antonio has a Chuy's. You are amazing how you can move and still have time for vacation in between. Can't wait to watch your journey unfold in San Antonio, Texas. You Rock!

Emily Suzanne said...

I feel bittersweet for you just reading this... as someone who used to cry over every car we ever traded in (as a child, of course)... I'm talking run out to it and hug it and cry... I only did that once, okay?

I feel your pain and your excitement, not first-person, but as a sympathetic onlooker maybe. I hope you love SA.