Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Time at Town Lake

A quick update I've been meaning to post...... Time at Town Lake. We've had a lot of trips to the infamous Lady Bird Lake lately. And we always try to feed the ducks. Here are some recent memories Miss Laney and I have made. It usually starts with feeding the ducks, then discovering the need to eat the cracker or cookie or whatever we have, oh well!

More updates to come soon, we are busy packing, had a graduation party, it's close week at work (of course!) and we are gearing up for vacation! A lot going on in the Crowell house. Did I mention we found a place to live :)! Well, Matthew did. I went to San Antonio and looked and looked. Then he went, found a place and signed the lease before I ever saw it. Never thought I would be that girl. Desperate times call for desperate measures and he did perfect. I absolutely love where we will be in Alamo Heights! We have pics somewhere; I will do an updated post before I leave. I need to find my cord!
My sweet little. She isn't so Little anymore that is for sure. She will be 18 months in two days!

She loves running away from me; no matter where we are.

She is just very busy with lots of words and a sassy little girl! It goes by too fast but I love this 18 month era. She loves to point out everyones eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hair. And she tells everyone hi and bye everywhere we go. This morning we were walking up the steps at daycare and there was a little girl and she said it "girl". I love the new words that I hear every day. Did I mention Mickey and Minnie are staples? They go everywhere with us!!!! And she was pointing to Minnie's nose.
About to head to TL now. Another update soon; swears! And Happy St. Patty's Day! We forgot our green; Laney loves doingthe little "pinch pinch" when I ask her " What does a lobster do?"


andydawn said...

What a sweetie! I so wish yall were headed to H-town!!! Have a fun VACA :)

Jenny Wakulat said...

She has gotten so big. You need to come visit before you move.