Friday, May 29, 2009

Bella and Edward Addiction

I am catching up on blog world and have been meaning to post about my recent addiction. I am reading Twilight; the teen fiction novel on Vampires. As a mother that is quickly approaching thirty, I mean it just doesn't seem normal. Well, a few of us at work all decided to jump on the bandwagon and have a book club. In fact, I have not been able to put the books down. Andrea~ don't tell me how it ends! I am on the 3rd book and hoping to finish this weekend. It's ridiculous. I have stayed up til 2 am reading only to go to work the next day. Still, I hope to wrap up this recent obsession. I mean, I loved Harry Potter but this is a girly version of that. And I don't even know that this is as good, in my opinion, but it's just different and the sweet love. Ahhh, it takes me back to my days of youth! Although, that didn't really involve hottie vampires just the nostalgia of high school. I can't wait for the New Moon movie. I will be there with a bunch of teenagers that Laney is probably closer in age to than I am. Any other Twilight fans out there?


ThePoeFam said...

Girl...I AM OBSESSED!! I mean, I really feel a little guilty feeling the way I feel about this vampire! ;) I'm almost finished with the second book...and only started it all less than a week ago! So glad that you're loving it as much as me! Can't wait to talk to you about it all when we both finish!!!

Steph said...

Bella is a tool.

Having said that, I am embarrassed to admit that I've read all the books.

Leigh Ann said...

I'm re-reading them for the second time!! I DON'T READ...that's the crazy part:) I love these books! I totally can hold my own with any 13 year old girl and I am on TEAM Edward. It's a little embarrassing....oh well!

Amy said...

I have to admit that I am so addicted as well. I started reading the books in January. I have already read all 4 of them twice. I never read a book more than once. I don't read vampire books. Don't know what is wrong with me.
Hehehe! Now I really feel like a teanager.

Emily Suzanne said...

I am a twilight fanatic!!! I read them all in just a couple weeks ...I think I had a breakdown once when I needed new moon and target was all sold out...SO glad no one saw me like that...I will just say I'm in love with both Edward and Jacob!!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

I LOOOOVE twilight! I miss reading the books & can't wait for the movie!

Jamie said...

I found your blog off of Fabulous K and decided I MUST comment on this post. I am currently still reading these books but DON'T feel bad...My mom is 53 and obsessed to no end and I have several friends that literally cried when they finished the 4th book b/c they felt they had nothing to look forward to. So you're ok.

Casey said...

I just started Eclipse. New Moon was awesome! Have you seen the movie trailer yet? Can't wait.