Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Has anyone ever not blogged in so long they forgot their password? It took me a while to get signed on! Anyway, going through pics and loved these. Laney loves running. I knew she'd either hate it or love it but she sees my shoes now and puts them on and says "running". And if I am pushing her in the stroller and walking, she yells at me to run. It's hilarious. It has been too hot lately to run for me to go but we will walk to the pool in the evenings and I push her in the stroller. It is about half a mile from our house but sometimes I have to run in flip flops or she screams at me!


Meg said...

that is so our little girl!!OMG she loves it!! she has her own little saucony's and begs her daddy to take her running!! love it!! way to set a healthy example!

Jenny Wakulat said...

That is hilarious. What a cutie!