Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Heart Beat.......

Another Heart Beat is what we are going to have this February!!!!! I've always called Laney my little heartbeat. And she always will be. But soon enough, we will have another little baby boy or a baby girl to join the Crowell Crew that will have a spot in our hearts too!

I am 13 weeks pregnant and just heading out of the first trimester. And ready I might add! This pregnancy is quite different than my first. It seems like I always hear that from people. I wonder if it is because we forget how sick we feel, we are just getting older (sorry, true), or they are just that different. I don't know, I already have pregnancy brain. But I have been sick sick sick. Every day, off and on, vomiting and not vomiting. Just that car sick feeling that no matter how much you eat or don't eat, you can't shake. And still, you love the host causing the chaos.

Let me see how I can recap us finding out about baby #2. I haven't told everyone but now I'm telling blog world!!!!! I told my boss and feel that we are close to the second trimester; thus it is safe to announce. We found out on June 16th and the EDD is 2/24/2010 (M's birthday is the 25th :)!). We had just talked about trying this summer and quit preventing in May. And I had just gone to the "girl" doctor that same day to make sure everything was alright. I've never been normal in that arena and ever since Laney and nursing for an eternity, well that department didn't go back to my 35 day cycle but more like 50! I wanted to make sure everything was normal to start trying. Well, the nurse practitioner, from the last day of my cycle, and several neg. pregnancy tests I'd taken to rule that out, did not feel it was necessary to take a pregnancy test in the doctors office. She talked to me about my options and they were going to do blood work to start me on progesterone. Ugh. I was a little bit stressed about the whole ordeal.

I got home from Austin that Tuesday evening and told Matthew about the visit. I was frustrated because I didn't think I was ovulating and just bummed. I wish I knew more about medicine and that world. But, in the end, I was just annoyed and tired from the day and stressed the house was a wreck. Let me just say, I've given up on cleaning Mon/Tues nights. Matthew and Laney were in the kitchen practicing saying her name and I decided to take a pregnancy test because what if ? I mean, I had already taken several and did not feel pregnant but whatever. I just knew how excited I would be and that would get me out of my funk. Really, I just wanted a positive test!

Test #1: Faint faint faint pink line. I thought the test might be flawed but was so hoping. I asked Matthew and he thought it was negative. He really didn't want me to get excited and be upset. He kept saying over and over. Then I thought, wait, would the test lie to me? I mean, those were my exact thoughts. Ridiculous.

Trip to Walgreen's for Test #2: The plus or negative sign. Again, very faint and we could not really tell but they looked more positive than negative.

Trip #2 to Walgreen's for Test #3: The decider. Pregnant or Not Pregnant. You wait for 30 seconds while the little test blinks. We all stood in the bathroom and waited. Finally, I screamed when I saw it and just hugged Matthew and Lanes. It was such a different feeling because we weren't scared this time!

It was our secret for like a whole three days! Then my Mom broke me down by asking me about my blood work from the doctor's office, probably 3-4 times. Finally, I said "Mom, I really wanted to tell you this in person! But my blood work is not normal, I am pregnant!" And we quickly told everyone else in the family.

There it is. The doctor's office called the next day with the same result.

Oh and the crazy thing is two weeks before I knew I was pregnant I had a dream that I was having another little girl. I woke up devastated and cried off and on all morning at work. I told a couple of friends and emailed Lesley and quote on quote said "I had a dream I was pregnant and then I woke up, me sad." And I wrote out a name that I love. Vault. Because we aren't going to find out this time if it's a boy or a girl. I say that now but go back and forth. But there is reasoning behind it for all of you groaners, I will explain later. And who knows! I am eager but really going to try (key word "TRY". Besides, there could not be a better surprise than that one!

Anyway, here we are in August and I am pregnant again! And the second time around, yea, I don't know what to say. It's not as consuming but it is still exciting. I always said "my second time around" but whatever. I eat whatever I can hold down and doesn't sound awful. I think I must look green most of the time and want to sleep. And will just train for another marathon after this one too!

And Laney does not want a brother or a sister. She tells me quite frankly. It's hilarious. I will ask her and she says "No Mom. Stop It." Still a big sister she will be! And a wonderful one at that!


Lesley said...

yes!! now we can talk about it freely!! I am so excited about baby#2...you are such a great mom (and sister), and I love you so very much!

andydawn said...

YAY!!! I can finally open my big mouth :) I am sooo excited for you 3 :) IF only we could of timed it a year earlier or a year later for me...we would have babes the same ages :) Love yall. Sorry you have been so sick...It's a BOY...in my opinion (that is today's opinion :)

Meg said...

that is wonderful!! congratulations!! your heart will just double with love :). and BOO on the morning sickness!!

Emily Suzanne said...

Oh! I'm so sorry you've been sick! Now, you'll feel much better! This little one will steal your heart as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny Wakulat said...

Whew...the cat is out of the bag. I can't wait to meet that lil precious. If this baby is anything like big sister he/she will be a lil nugget!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

WHAT! YOU WAITED WAY TO LONG TO TELL ME! ;) However, I am VERY EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys! Congrats! ::) Yea, sorry about the sickness. Been there, done that, and have already forgotten about it! :)

Ashlea said...

Congratulations! It's Ashlea Lincoln and though slightly nervous I feel the need to tell you that I'm about a week behind you and we are expecting March 4th. I've been nauseous but can count the # of times i've thrown up on 2 hands so props to you on that one for sure. How fun that our little ones will be so close in age, we'll have to actually get together!

Baby McMinn said...

Yeah I am so excited for yall. I hope you feel better soon. I was never sick with Stone so I don't know what I think it is!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

CONGRATS!!!!we will be close together:)) i am due in january...am around 18 weeks but still feeling pretty tired...or maybe that is b/c of my girls?!?! so exciting! hope the sickness ends soon...i will say w/ this pregnancy my sympathy for sick people has gone through the roof:)))

ThePoeFam said...

YAY!!! Congratulations! And, wow that you are already so far along! Good for you for keeping a secret...I'm not good at that! ...Can't wait to watch you grow and to see you fall in love with your 2nd heartbeat! Love you, friend!

Elly Doran said...

Blessings, Blessings, Blessings! I am so excited for you guys! I pray complete Joy, and Peace over this little one and his/her Momma. Thanks for letting us share in your joy.

S, J, B, & S said...

Awww, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had been wondering when your last few posts said "our first heartbeat" ... and I was wondering if I had missed something?! SO EXCITING! I am thrilled for you guys!!!

Sarah Durham said...

So happy for you Laura! What a wonderful new adventure! Lots of love!

Leigh Ann said...

Yeah for baby #2!! I am so excited for you guys:)

Roman's Roost said...

Awesome news! You will love having two....never a dull moment!

Alison said...

Yeah!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited! Our little ones won't be that far apart! I am sorry you are feeling yucky! I love and miss you and can't wait to hear all about it!

Calista said...

Congrats!! That's so exciting!! It's so different the 2nd time around in so many ways. You'll love watching your 2 play and grow together. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable pregnancy. Congrats again.