Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Being Two

It has simply been too long. I don't know how to explain how overwhelmed I've been! I'm sorry blog world. With working full time and commuting, back to school, growing a baby, it's all I can do to remember to brush my teeth!
But I want to update pics of Laney here in the last couple of months and do a quick fill in on life with us.
Here was a birthday picture from school. She had on her queen for the day hat!

Favorite hiding spot and when I know she is up to something:

Building tower with Daddy.

Potty training in July. She did great and was pretty regular until her new day care started in September. She won't go on the potty for them at all. So we do diapers and day care and panties at home. Hopefully we will catch on when other kids start doing it. She just tells us.

First Haircut on October 3rd. She was quite occupied and then they put her in the car. That was cool. Until they put on the cape and started trimming. She was finally alright when Nemo appeared.

Serious Laney. She just kept staring and didn't crack a smile.
Hiding with all the pillows around her on the couch:
Cooking in her kitchen and helping Mommy work at home. She loves climbing. Ugh, wears me out but always gets up on the desk by my computer and calculator.
I love peanut butter (she loves to say this too!) and eating out of the brownie bowl. Please don't judge me. I love making her happy!
Playing with her baby and had to wear her bunny ears. Very particular and very maternal. She has several baby dolls now. She is going to be such a wonderful big sister! She loves babies!
Crashed out on the floor on a pillow.

Ready for the Fall:

Talking to Aunt Lesley:

Picking out a pumpkin:

Wrapped up in her Laney towel nice and warm!

She is sillier than ever. I suppose she is just busy being two. Some of her favorite things to say as of late:

I tall!
I want a sucker.
Ready, set, go!
Let's go bye bye.
We are home!
All done, are we all done?
Are you happy?
I don't like it OR I like it!
Oh no, I lost it or I broke it!
I ride the pony!
Where are my shoes?
I sit down and go potty.
Going to Austin, beep beep! I see friends. Bye friends!
Mommy Go drive drive!
I see cows! Moo!
I hold you.
I love you Mommy or I love you Daddy.
I don't......ex. sit down on couch, take a bath, eat supper.
She sings her A B C's through a few letters and can count to 6 or 7.
She loves My Little Ponies, Nemo and Dori, Care Bears, and will say " I don't want Dora, okay?!" Hilarious. Just keeps me entertained and did I mention she is bossy?I don't know where she gets that from :).
Just a lot of sweet, cute, unique to Laney things that I don't ever want to forget.

And the pregnancy is progressing. I am 21 or 22 weeks and just plugging along. I am past being sick thank goodness and the baby has been kicking me for a long time! I felt it much sooner this time. But I am still pretty tired and that is most likely from chasing around a two year old. I think I mentioned but we are not finding out the gender of the baby. I'm actually getting more and more excited about the surprise; although I kind of have a feeling I go back and forth. We have lots of sonogram pictures, I need to figure out how to upload those.

This is the only pregnancy pic I've taken and I was on the phone with Lel a couple days ago. I did the timer and cut my head off. I'll try to get Matthew to take one of me this weekend!


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

are you sure you are pregnant? :) kidding. skinny minny. love your little one...she's precious. :) can't wait to see you!

Lesley said...

oh sister...I love that new little one in your belly!!
and I love the little one running around. She is hilarious. Can't wait to see y'all next week! I love you

andydawn said...

I love the Easter basket in the bathroom :) I hope you gave that lil girl a french fry ;) She is a cutie with all those curls...we miss yall!!!