Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Little Bit of This....

...and a little bit of that! I am all over the place these days; shocking I know. So, blog updates are few and far between. And I miss out on a whole bunch of stuff on blog world! One day, I will catch up. Right now, I keep falling further and further behind!

Anyway, miss Laney! She is such a toot and a ball of fire. We have so much fun these days just having conversations and talking! I love having a little girl. I can't imagine my life without her!
We had a wedding in Austin a couple of weekends ago for precious Sarah Darby. She looked stunning and happy!

And Laney got to play with her two favorite's Sabrina and Saul.

And I love it that we hardly ever remember to take family pics but when we do you can count on Laney's finger in her nose!

This past weekend we went to Abilene. L and I had a relaxing day with Mickey and Bumpaw (Laney calls my mom- cute story that I will have to tell sometime) and we had Perini's on Sunday with the Berg and Crowell clans. It was delicious!

Laney and Uncle Landon- she was cracking up hysterically. How I love this pic!

Probably the biggest news is ***we might have decided on a boy name. What a battle that has been. Matthew and I are about twenty years apart on boy names. On girl names we are good. I don't know why but they are just easier! So, we shall see. And we still aren't going to find out. This baby is a surprise! Less than four months now. That is just weird, this has flown by so quickly. Although, second time around, I still don't love being pregnant. I don't know how people enjoy gaining weight but I do love the movement in the belly. It's just so fun having those moments with this precious baby that you don't yet know. And yet, I know it will all make perfect sense once we meet!


Nominate someone or something in need said...

you are sooo cute and sweet:)) i miss you so much too! i know, i do not like being pregnant EITHER! during this time, God def. teaches me a lot about vanity:))) especially w/ this pregnancy...i have gained what i gained w/ the girls ALREADY???? Janson just laughs at me but i DONT think it is funny and all of the talk about the pregnancy glow? what???? anyways i know it is ALL worth it and is SUCH a short season even though it seems like forever:))) we are so excited for you guys and for laney to get a sibling...i think that is the "best" gift you can give a child!!! kelsey and kailyn are best friends and i can not imagine them not having each other...so excited to be blessed w/ another playmate for them:))) yeah we should be here so keep me posted when you guys are coming this way!!!

carla's gateway said...

Loved seeing you, your mom and Laney last week! I think EVERYONE went to Perini's that weekend... crazy that we all pass each other like ships in the night at times! ... and btw... Laney didn't look "tootish" to me.. just "twoish" :) adorable

andydawn said...

That sweet girl...she is SOOO CUTE! I miss seeing yall...we need to get together again soon. You look great and I HEART the boy name :)