Saturday, January 02, 2010

Christmas 2009

What a wonderful Christmas break and holiday season we had this year. December was very busy with Christmas parties, work, finishing up class, and travel. It seems to always flash by but this year seemed extra special. Laney seemed to understand that there is a reason for the season other than Santa. Every time we see the manger scene she tries to grab baby Jesus! And she loves talking about Santa too but doesn't want to go see him anymore.

Below is a picture before church with her "Lion" rarrrrr! We watched the Cowboy game at Chili's one night and she was made the balloon lion and took it everywhere until she started popping off the limbs.

And, again, Christmas Eve we woke up to snow in Abilene! This was a great day with plenty of time in the snow. Although by Laney's first exposure I wasn't so sure. She woke up and Daddy took her straight outside. Not happy.

Then we played in the snow for the first of several times during the trip to West Texas. And clearly she truly quite enjoys eating it.

We had planned on church Christmas Eve but the weather prohibited. Laney was admiring the ornaments and presents under the tree; probably trying to peek! Great job Momma on the tree! It seems to grow more beautiful every year.

Leaving out cookies for Santa! Laney also left an orange. She eats about three or four clementines a day and loves peeling them. And she hoards them too. Here she is caught in the act hiding them for later I think.

Christmas Morning miss Laney woke up ready to see what Santa sent her and very excited! "OH MY GOSH" she exclaimed! She must have been very good this year!

Here we are in our usual spots on the couch. We always get lost in the presents now with Laney. It took us much longer opening this year with all her stuff!

Matthew got me and Laney both a Cowboy jersey for one of our presents! She got Tony Romo and I got Demarcus Ware! Woo hoo!

Snow time take #2 at the Crowell's......

We wrapped up Christmas Day with Christmas Dinner with the Berg's and Crowell's. We are lucky to have both of our families in Abilene during this time!

Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night! Hoping every one's holidays season was special and blessed!

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...
