Friday, January 29, 2010

Quick Update

We had our last sonogram on Wednesday and we got to see the little precious! The picture is a little blurred but you can see the face, looks just like Laney did in there to me! And I am getting so excited and so ready; my lips are already swelling! But I have a major jealous bone for people who get to have their babies early. Because ours apparently already weighs 6 lbs 9 oz from the sonogram so the doctor is just going to keep an eye and we will hope baby comes by due date. What this means is another big baby for the Crowell family! I loved it that Laney was so healthy and pink but truthfully I am most nervous about the vacuum again. So, I am praying for a safe delivery and most of all a healthy baby!
And we have been doing Brittney's Letter Ideas to learn the alphabet. We are starting with "A" and Laney absolutely loved our coloring and this letter. I am excited to do this, thanks for all the clever and fun ideas! We used the words: Apple Ape Alligator Alamo Airplane El Arco Iris and Ant and drew all of them! We will see how this week progresses with other fun "A" stuff!

Then we picked out A stickers to put on the board.

We found her in our room in Daddy's boots the other day playing. She is hilarious!


Emily Suzanne said...

Yes, all of these things are simply adorable. no doubt!

The Perkins Family said...

Hey Laura! Sorry I didn't get back to you...this week was crazy at work. Yes, let's do Tuesday! We can go anywhere you want!! What are your latest cravings?? :)

andydawn said...

Awww sweet baby we are ready to meet you!

Anonymous said...


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Jenny Wakulat said...

Personally, since I had a GIANT baby, I think they are the best! They sleep better....and there are more rolls to love on :) I can't wait to meet that lil booger! I love him/her already :)