Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February the 17th Game Plan

Well, today was our last day as a family of three! Tomorrow, February 17th, we will welcome our new bundle of joy.

This past week we decided that I am going to be induced; per my doctor's recommendation after a night of false labor and big babies. And I wavered on this because last time with Laney everything happened so naturally and quickly. However, we are praying for a smooth delivery.

Today was Miss Laney's last day as an only child. I can't imagine the "magic" that I will get to experience as a parent of two. But I do know that I have loved the time we have had with just us. And today we spent time doing things that she loved. We went to have a happy meal at McDonald's, went to ride the "choo choo" train, and to the park to play. I love this little girl so much and am elated that she gets to have a baby sister or baby brother!

We can't wait to meet our next heart beat! And I hope to have an update soon......


Lesley said...

you are a beautiful pregnant person! I love you! I can't wait to meet the precious tomorrow!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Yeah!!!! Love you.

The Perkins Family said...

Awww Laura, I'll be thinking about you all day tomorrow!! I can't wait to hear and how exciting to find out tomorrow if Laney will be a big sister to a little brother or a little sister!!

Kelly said...

Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about it! Today's a good birthday - it's my little brother's birthday and he runs a 2:40 marathon - so I'm sure your new little baby will be a runner, too ;-)

Kelly and Milo

Sarah said...

Oh Laura! I've been praying for today to go smoothly, and I'll keep it up. I can't wait to hear the good news of your growing family. And how wonderful will it be to hold the new little Miss or Mr.! :) Hugs & Kisses & love sending your way...

andydawn said...

You are going to do so good :)I can't wait to hear all about the new lil one!!!! Love ya tons!

Emily Suzanne said...

I'm so excited for you guys!!! Can't wait to hear~!

Meg said...

YAY!! i am guessing that you are probably in labor right now, and i am praying!! can't wait to hear if your little precious is a miss or a mister!!

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! I can't wait to talk to you and meet your newest addition! I'll be thinking about you all day today!

Sarah Durham said...

So excited for you and your family Laura! It must be so surreal to know you will be a family of 4 today! Praying for a smooth labor and perfect baby!!