Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We have been going to the park all week with the pleasant weather. Today I took the camera! And Laney has gotten to spend some time with her favorite friend from school; Elissa. She calls her "My Lissa". We go with her big sister Emma and they are all too sweet. I've enjoyed all the play time that Laney has gotten with both of them on my maternity leave. My friend , and their nanny, Serena took the pictures of the girls but I love them!

My Girls!
And Elissa wanted to be in the picture too. Precious!


Jenny Wakulat said...

I love love love your girls. I can't wait to meet Miss Landry. What a little beauty :)

Nominate someone or something in need said...

look at you...out and about:))) your possum story scares me...i am always terrified of running into critters somewhere...!!! your girls are precious:)))