Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy One Month Landry!

Happy One Month Little Miss Landry!

I have loved getting to know you. How precious and sweet you are! After a month I know that you love to be held. You won't go in your bouncer much and I find that I am struggling to put on make up or brush  my teeth with you in my arms. Your favorite place is on the bed looking out at the sky through the sky light. You hate the car seat. Hate it. Your noises are hilarious and keep us up all hours of the night. What a communicator! You yelp, gurgle, coo, grumble, and squeak to get our attention. You even have a cry that you use when I leave the room. Sometimes you get impatient with me and you yelp out. We think it sounds like a terradyktel or puppy but you make our hearts swell.

A dirty or wet diaper sends you over the edge. And you love to stare at me and watch my face. It is the sweetest, and still surreal, feeling in the world. You are my little blue eyes. I know this may change but I love the hue they are. Your eyes are piercing. The way you look at me is innocent and sweet. I already know that we have a special way we look at each other. And I could stare at you forever!

I still can’t believe you were a girl. You were a surprise and I kind of think you will be the child that is full of wonder. You have been the best surprise I’ve ever had.

I love you Landry Anne. I love getting to know you and the joy you have added to our life.

1 comment:

Nominate someone or something in need said...

laney and kyleigh need to hang out b/c that sounds just like miss kyleigh:)) she HATES the carseat and LOVES being long as she is in my arms and i am giving her attention she is happy...she just coo's away but she HATES being in her crib or alone period:))) guess we have social little girls..who would have thought!ha!!!!