Thursday, March 11, 2010

Oh Possum!!!!!!!!!!

Today we had an interesting occurence. Or I did. And, oddly, it was with a possum.

San Antonio: Midafternoon and a beautiful day in Alamo Heights. I was taking out the trash; as we had just gotten home from running errands; my one time to brave the world with the girls a day. As I was pulling off the lid to our trash can and peered inside, I see white and gray face with an itty pink nose looking up at me. I screeched and stuck the lid back on. I ran inside locking the door because I did not want a rodent, or what appeared to be a possum, to get us. Pitiful. Immediately, I called Matthew because I just knew that he would tell  me what to do. To no avail. And I had the brilliant idea to knock over the trash can. That way the possum could run out! So, I bravely pushed over the trash can. Note: I am standing on the front porch and the trash can is below me in the yard.That way when the possum ran out he would be on the ground and I would be above him. I pushed over the trash can. But the lid stayed on. Awesome. The possum is trapped inside.

The phone rings; Matthew. I quickly explain he neesd to come home and take care of the situation. He asks if he can call me back from the office. I fly off the handle, nope. He is not getting off the phone until this is handled.  He laughs; so does everyone else he is in the car with. He tells me to get a stick to open the lid with. Brilliant. Because in these situations my brain cells freeze. I grab a broom and expect a scurrying motion to come from the trash can. As I pop open the lid of the trash can (from the porch) I wait for the possum to run out. Nothing.

I was not about to go look for him. No flipping way.

I go inside and proceed through the rest of the day. Assuming, at some point, he would leave the nasty diaper and trash filled home and scurry on his way. I await a braver soul to check.

Matthew gets home around 6:30 pm and checks out our trash scattered in the driveway. And he finds our friend; playing dead. Seriously? After all that he just decides to hang out? Matthew pesters him with a stick until he comes to.

Laney runs onto the porch screaming " I want to see the awesome!!!".

He was cute. But he needs to find a new home.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Hahahaha!!! I lost it reading the end of that...cracks me up. I didn't know that it played dead on the driveway!! "I want to see the awesome!" I can hear her sweet excited voice.