Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Give Me Some Smiles

It has begun! The best part of the baby phase, in my opinion, and the priceless smiling. Landry started this week and I love it! She will watch me and I will smile and she will imitate. Precious. I love love love this baby girl! And she is so different than Lanes. She loves to suck on her fist, and hit me if I don't feed her soon enough. She watches me and just stares for minutes at my face. She jumps up towards me when I lean down to pick her up, like she is trying to help with the distance and get into my arms quickly.  She wants to constantly be held. Maybe that is all babies though. She is adorable and blue eyed and fair as can be. Landry loves to smile and it melts my heart seeing her!

Here is a play by play of catching her in action. It was difficult for me to catch, as you can tell by the last picture!

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