Monday, April 26, 2010

Random Catch Ups!

This last week was trying! Matthew had to go out of town for work, I had 4 papers due for my ethics class, and I'm getting ready to head back to work in Austin. Well, in a few weeks, but it feels just around the corner and I'm going in to help with an interview this week.

Good news though, Miss Landry is sleeping through the night on occassion. Therefore, I can't recall the exhaustion that I was going through a week ago. Although, I know it could always (and probably will!)surprise me and resurface.

We went to Landry's two month check up. She weighed 12 lbs and was in the 59 percentile. Healthy baby girl!  We have big babies, clearly, but I just want to chew on her little chubby body! She has found her thumb/hand and sucks on it quite a bit! Heart beat.

Last week Lindsay and I took the girls to the zoo. Thank you for the monkey preschool friend! Laney takes it EVERYWHERE!

Precious baby animal! I can't recall what it was but it was adorable!

Jackie and Jen came to see us in SA, I meant to get more pictures! But Landry and Jackie seemed to have bonded just fine.

Thank goodness we still had Laney's swing. Landry loves it and it is a life saver at night when she has colic.

Has it really been a year since we ended up in San Antonio? We've been busy with the River Parade, Battle of the Flowers, the Pooch Parade and bar b q's with friends! Although, I did not get near enough pictures we've had a blast celebrating the city.

Landry's First Fiesta!

Daddy trying to kiss Landry's nose. She was trying to eat his face!
Landry adores her big sister and is always keeping her eyes on what Laney is doing!

I had a few realizations this week that are quite random but I know all of the words to Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, Wonder Pets, and Yo Gabba Gabba. It is sad. Is this what happens when you stay at home? I need a better routine I suppose.

Also, Laney surprises me by talking in Spanish. Random I know but the other night she wanted out of the bath tub. She kept saying "ayudame" over and over again. I knew I'd heard this phrase but not from my 21/2 year olds mouth. I was frantic and had to ask Matthew what in the world she was saying. Of course he knew. I just don't know if she heard this on Dora or from our friend Serena who has taught Laney some phrases. Oh yes, and for those of you who fall into my category, it means "help me."

Most importantly, I have fallen in love with two children. I did not know this was possible but someone once told me it was magic and it is just that. A true gift. Someone else once told me you aren't a parent until you have two kids. I get it now. I had no idea how much of a juggling act this would be. But it's right up my alley with having a crazy, hectic life and twice the fun!


ThePoeFam said...

LOVE the update...all of the pictures...your littlest love and her SUPER big smile...your BIG sister with her cotton candy! Cute cute!

Nominate someone or something in need said...
