Sunday, June 06, 2010

Destruction in Alamo Heights

Last week we had bad weather blow through Alamo Heights.  It was destructive and sudden. I had just gotten in the shower and heard Matthew yell "I'm going outside to get the cooler, Landry is on our bed." Then, suddenly Laney was in the bathroom saying "I'm scared Mommy" and I hear a huge crash like glass was breaking. I jump out of the shower to check on Landry, whom is fine. Matthew rushes in explaining a tree limb had fallen as he opened our backdoor, missing him grabbing the cooler by seconds. My view of our skylight and bedroom window proved a tree had fallen and was clearly pressed firmly against our window. With lightning and thunder surrounding us, I was staying put inside. The girls and I stayed in our itty hallway while it passed and Matthew got geared up about the work that was ahead of him.

The next day our pecan tree proved to have lost a couple of limbs.

The limbs could have been trees as they were very heavy and large. It is hard to tell but there was a smaller tree pushed completely on its side from the weight of the fallen branches. This is a glimpse of the crushed tree from the previous weekend. It makes me very sad that this was collateral damage from simply being in the wrong path. We are hoping that our little tree makes it.

The view from the very back of our yard looking at our porch.

We couldn't hardly get to the front porch.

Matthew worked hard and cleaned up the entire mess. A few men from the City of Alamo Heights showed up and helped him pull the branches to the street. Matthew is quite handy and I'm proud that he handles tough situations well.

1 comment:

My {Oh} My Musings said...

OMG!!!! We were at la cantera when it hit eating-and some of the big metal awnings at new part flew off-one right behind my car! so scary!! that is crazy the trees in your backyard! i was freaking out-i'm sure you were too! i hate storms like that!!