Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Fairytale On September 2nd

Wedding day bliss. The beginning of a life together; forever. And I'll tell you this; I've never seen my baby sister's smile so big and heart so happy. She was the most beautiful bride. And I was blessed to stand with my sister on her special day.

Let's go through the day and the happy memory. Until we get the pictures from Tressie; these will suffice.

We got up and ran at a gym down the street. Lesley, Veronica, Lauren, and I ran on the treadmills and Lesley ran. ran. ran. 5 miles! Good job sister!

As we got on the elevator after we finished we saw this itinerary for the day in the elevator:

We all started getting ready around 11 am in this adorable room at the Fort Worth Club. I cannot remember what it was called to save my life even though we spent half the day in and out of it!

One of the funny and memorable moments of the day with Lesley was searching for John (the make up artist). We were waiting at the elevator with our hair in rollers and casual clothes. Anyway, three business men walk up and we were so embarrassed and apologetic about our appearance explaining we were getting ready for a wedding. They teased us for a minute before loading into the elevator. Then we hear one of the men ask the question " Well, Congressman which floor are we headed too?" We felt so humiliated, thanks for representing the great State of Texas!

Hair and make up to get us all ready...


Ta Da! Look at that beautiful bride!

Before I forget; the dress. Romantic, vintage, champagne, detailed, and sweet. I don't know anyone else that could have pulled it off! She was simply stunning.

Matthew was amazing with getting the girls ready and being on time taking care of Laney, Landry, and the Crowell's! What a hero and trooper he was.

Time to head over to the chapel. Lesley and Andy had their "First Look"...

A few Pre Ceremony Pictures...

 My stress revolved around my children walking down the aisle. And wouldn't you know I couldn't get Landry's shoes to stay on. Both of the girls walked down the aisle beautifully. Well, besides the nose picking but they made it!

And post Ceremony pictures...

The Whole Crew of Berg's and Harcar's

On the way back to the reception in the limo. I will never forget when the driver did an excellent job of knocking Lesley onto her rear. Wow. I am so glad she was laughing; even through her bruised booty! I love this picture of them, so relaxed and happy and JUST MARRIED!!!!

Ready to be introduced...

Introducing; Mr. and Mrs.Harcar!!!

Their sweet first dance to Sparks by Cold Play. Um, no one knew, except Momma, that they took lessons. It was adorable despite this. I mean, it was very Lesley. I should have known!

Dancing with Dad, sweet. I watched and I am pretty sure I teared up. Sweet baby sister was always a Daddy's girl.

 My Toast to the Bride and Groom--a poem of Lesley's life from what I remembered and meeting Andy. Then Kurt's, the Best Man, had the entire room laughing hysterically. He is the funniest person that I have ever met!


 Sweet Andrea, Marcus, and the Meacham's all made the wedding! I had so much fun on the dance floor with Andy Dawn and can't wait for a girl's weekend with you.
  The flower girls getting their groove on....

What a lovely cake! I wish I had tasted it at the reception but I had plenty afterwards.

 Bouquet toss ladies.....Jkon.....love you!

 Let me just say, the little dance Andy did to get off Lesley's garter was precious!!! They are too cute in their ways!

A lovely exit. I'll never forget the hug she gave me as she left.  

Good bye Lesley Berg and Hello Mrs. Lesley Harcar!

To Happily Ever After...

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