Monday, September 26, 2011

Landry - Let's Talk About You!


You were 19 months old this month--on your sister's (and Aunt Lesley's) birthday! I always call you a "little pill" but in the most affectionate way. Let's talk about you:

 You are a happy little girl.

You are a tough cookie. You hardly cry when you bump your head, fall down, skin your knees.
You have a profound love for ice. You constantly check my drinks for it and anyone else's that will allow you.

Peek a Boo and Itsy Bitsy Spider are favorite games. And Bump Bump. This is what you call it anyway and you sit on my lap and jump up and down. It hurts terribly and you love it. It's hilarious. Oh and doing flips and reading books. All. the. time. reading books.

You make a "pretty face" when we tell you too. Your Paw Paw Crowell taught you and it makes everyone laugh when we ask you too and you show us. Precious, silly thing.

You love teasing us with potty training. You always want to sit on the potty even if you don't want to go.
You give the best hugs! You love to squeeze our necks as tight as you can.
You adore your sister. You always want to show her things and do what she is doing. OR if she is playing with a toy you immediately want it. Naughty.
Your hair is so blonde! I know you get this from your Dada and it is so cute!

You always want me to  put your hair in a ponytail. It barely goes in one but we try and you are adorable.
You give the best kisses and "muahs!"
You say "hi" in the sweetest, softest voice. You say "no" with authority and mean it. Here you are shaking your head at me; goose.

You love to eat and always have. I am so glad that you are a non picky eater!

You love your grandparents--Mickey, B, Bumpaw, Paw Paw, and Ma! It makes me so happy that both of my girls know their grandparents and your reactions to seeing them!

You are just the most adorable child and precious to my heart! I love your ways and getting to know you more every day. Your laugh is contagious and music to my ears! And I look forward to many months watching you grow into you; Landry Anne.

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