Monday, September 05, 2011

A Girl's Trip

A weekend in Chicago with SuDan, JuBert, CoDave  (her post here: on our getaway to Chicago), and LaMatt. Well, that is what I think we are called after the infamous SuDan. I don't know how I was talked into this trip the weekend before my sister's wedding but I am glad I was able to go! What a fantastic city that I long to see more of! I can't wait to go back.

Anyway, most of our pictures seemed to revolve around public transportation; although most of our time was spent shopping. Here we are on the way to Hotel Sax to meet up with Suzanne.

We made it to our  hotel, finally, after an emergency evacuation on the train. At our hotel was the first mention of pringles. This will play an important role in most of our trip with Suz. A constant search for a miniature can of these...

 for Hotel Sax's refeshment bar in our room. I'm hoping we weren't "found out" due to baby Annie's hunger.

Sushi for our dinner and lots of laughing and girl talk before we went to bed. Ah, to not have children or husbands around for a couple of nights was nice. And I learned, after much hesitation, how to pack in just a carry on. There is no going back. I can't believe I am a convert but not checking luggage--or paying to check luggage--was amazing!!

Saturday morning began with a run to Millenium Park and saw "the bean"!

Then mid morning Saturday we headed for brunch and the shops. I wish I could remember where. The spinach and feta cheese omelet I had was amazing and the cupcake pancakes Julia had were "divine"!

 Again, public transportation. The day was a success though.

Going out on the town and to the Publican. The dinner we had was delicious!

Then shopping on Michigan Avenue.

There are no words. The picture says it all and this probably defined our trip. Why we travel with Suzanne. His name was Kirby and he was glad Suzanne was having a girl because "he doesn't do boys"... um. Yea. I mean Yikes!

 Sunday was spent with Julia and Courtney roaming around Chicago and shopping, visiting Trader Joe's, shopping, eating, coffee drinking, shopping, and then heading to the airport. Ah and I lost my poor white cardigan! I was devastated until I went to go find another one and there it was under the mail box! I must have lost it crossing the street.

 I must say, the city of Chicago has so much amazing architecture and history. I truly would love to go back with Matthew and go see a Cub's game, eat some hot dogs and pizza, and do the touristy stuff. But I loved seeing the windy city with these girls.

A unique parking garage....

Trump Tower....

The trip was a lot of fun and fast! I enjoyed the little get away and look forward to the next one!

1 comment:

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Peter and I are going for an early anniversary trip in October! We may or may not be doing a segway tour. :) ahhaha!!