Sunday, September 25, 2011

Laney's Birthday- September 19th

For My Laney-

The day you turned four years old; we had such fun celebrating the masterpiece of you!

We woke up and got ready for chapel at school. You had on your lovely, colorful, flowery dress that your Mickey got you and Landry! You looked so pink and were so happy. You enjoy your school and we've been so happy with your MDO program. I am so pleased that you look forward to going and are loved by your teachers and friends.

Then we went to breakfast at Order Up--you had a cinnamon roll and I had a cinnamon coffee and breakfast bowl. We ended up getting it to go so you could use your new plate you got from sweet Sarita.
 I took off the day from work. I realized that I’ve never worked on your birthday and I hope to always have this day with you while working. Then we went back to school to get Landry and meet up with Mickey and Bumpaw. What a morning and just the beginning of an eventful day!

Your Mickey and Bumpaw took us to lunch at Tycoon Flats and we met up with your Daddy. We had mini burgers and a real coke! Yum! And the horse ride in the front was all you wanted to do! Well, that and play on the play ground. So we let you, over and over again.

You got your birthday present as we left lunch; a princess bicycle! You immediately rode it around the parking lot with the training wheels and all.

Then we headed home to watch the movie The Wizard of Oz. You wanted this for your birthday so much (you started screaming when you opened it up!). I think because I would tell you the story before we’d go to bed and we would sing the songs. Naturally, you were curious and you weren’t too scared of the wicked witch of the west either! Your imitation of Glinda’s voice is precious.

Then we went to the San Antonio Zoo-you, me, and Landry. We had a lot of fun seeing the animals and strolling around. It wasn’t too hot by the time we went either.
For your birthday supper we took you to Chuck E. Cheese. You just wanted to play games and we let you. Landry and you were hysterical with the games; your Daddy and I could barely keep up!

You were exhausted and quickly fell asleep on the way home.

We had quite an eventful day with you as a four year old! I'm learning that the older you get (for some reason I expected a calm in growing older) the busier we get but I wouldn't change that! I have learned every stage with you has a special newness and it gets more and more fun! I love watching you grow into you! You are a sweet, smart, beautiful child that makes my heart so happy and I am proud to be your Momma!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Sweet girl, what a happy happy birthday!! I love y'all so much!