Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Little Ballerina

 Laney started taking ballet last week at Dorothy Keck. She has always loved dancing around and knows how to move it so I thought I'd sign her up. The class was a hit and she has been talking about it nonstop!

The leotards are adorable. The shoes petite. Her heart really seemed to be into this ballet gig too.

It was loads of fun watching her prance around in her tutu and tights and follow along with the teachers instruction. I must admit, she was very good at being a little ballerina.

Soccer starts this week. We shall see how girly she is I guess but I have to admit--I really want her to play sports; it is the competitiveness in me! However, I will be happy with whatever she loves just seeing her face beaming! The pride that comes along with being a parent; it is just so sweet!

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