Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Very Memorable Visit to Pittsburgh

Here we went, heading out the door to Pittsburgh! The girls and I braved the trip all by ourselves. Daddy has been working a lot and is trying to hit his hours.Yuck. He missed out.  


We made it. Somehow.There may have been red wine involved on the last flight. It was a long day and if you've done you won't judge.

We stayed with Landon and Lauren at their precious apartment! She has it looking so cute and my whole family took over...yup, all of the Berg's in one happy household. I suppose we are used to the chaos, well I don't know if that is entirely true.


We had lunch at a place called BRGR that served great burgers.

Then we headed to Trader Joe's. I'm so excited there will be one in the Big D to visit! Hopefully SA one of these days.

Then we found a turquoise jacket at Anthropologie, because you can never have too many jackets in San Antonio. Ha!

 A cup of Joe at this quaint coffee shop in a very historic part of the city. It was so yummy and everyone wanted us to leave.

The leaves were turning during our visit and felt like a proper fall. They were beautiful and just everywhere. I couldn't remember when I'd ever seen so many colors of the fall. Perhaps I never have. 


We headed to "The Strip" and on the way we saw Heinz Field. Sorry, boo Steeler's. But their theme song for winning the super bowl is quite catchy!

Our walking began. Oh and we forgot a stroller so it was kind of a painful adventure but still a fun one. The girls did great!
The Strip has all of these food places, shops, street vendors, delicious things to eat! So we did. We ate, and ate, and ate.
The cheeses were huge!!!!

Landry threw a fit over this piece of $3 Baklava. I swore it was for the cherry. Come to find out; she loved it! I had never even tried it.

Laney wanted a pumpkin cookie.
Here the girls are in the window of Parma Sausage. This is  my Dad's favorite place. The people knew him and kept calling him "Lair". It was kind of funny.

Lauren and I had oysters. Off. the. street. And they were delicious!

Well, we were actually outside of Wholey's Fish Market.

Landry talked about the toy train that went around the inside for the next thirty minutes and the following day. She loves trains!

Oh my gosh, the main reason we went to Pittsburgh was for another wedding event! I forgot to mention this but Lesley and Andy has a post wedding party for the people that couldn't go to the wedding. Anyway, we had a blast Saturday night at his parent's house and celebrating the night away.

Here are some pictures from the evening...

 The food was delicious and so different from our grub here in Texas. We got to have Perogies, this kind of pasta that I cannot remember the name of but I know Lesley will.
 A friendly racoon that was absolutely not afraid of us.

 Little Laney loves the Harcar Boys. She adores Andy and now Jesse too. I suppose next will be Kurt.

The Berg's were watching the Ranger Game.

 My gosh, we were making the "joker" face that we Berg kids do to each other. We were trying to get Lauren to do it and kept laughing. I so wish I could post those beautiful pictures of us. Vaulted.
My girls and their best behavior; funny faces and diapers. Oh well. They are still quite cute.

We took Laney down to the fire to make smores. They were the biggest marshmallows that I have ever seen. It was too funny because Laney kept saying "my face is way too hot" from the fire of course.

We made it home, the girls and I, safely and finally. I enjoyed the trip but I missed my bed and traveling as a single Mom wasn't easy. Still, I'm glad I got to experience another great American City.

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