Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Visit from the Burgh and Watched by Bumpaw

My parents came into town the weekend after the chaos. Basically, to check on me (my mental state). My brother and his wife also were in town from Pittsburgh for a wedding. We didn't see them much with their other festivities but I loved having them visit us in Texas!

We ALL went to Miss Laney's soccer game too. She is a little super star! Laney loves chasing that ball and giggling.

Can I tell you how much I love this tough look! Geez, my Laney and her pout; if you can call it that.

And truly, I don't care how she does. She loves running all over the field. The best part of it is she is playing with boys! She falls down, gets back up and goes! I just want her to have fun and enjoy being a part of a team. There is nothing like it, even if she is only four.

The girls spent the afternoon playing with Lola and "rocking". Landry wanted to rock in their high chair/desk/rocker but only with Laney. So they would squeeze in and rock away! I love how happy Laney's smile is. Sisters.

We spent most of the weekend running around San Antonio with Mickey and shopping for our upcoming weekend visiting the kids in Pittsburgh. I call Landon and Lauren "the kids" in the most affectionate way as I remember the early years with M and miss my youth!

And, after our C.R.A.Z.Y. week, I tried to keep Miss Landry, and her stitches, out of school. My biggest fear was the tiny dare devil busting open her forehead.

So, Monday, she was watched by her Bumpaw all day long and by herself! What a sweet memory, and relief for me, to have my Daddy watch little Landry while I went to work. How roles change and time marches on but Landry adores her Bumpaw.

More to come on our visit to Pittsburgh and braving the airport with girls by myself. Let's just leave it at never again all alone.

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