Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Halloween Happenings

My Pink Princesses! They were adorable on Halloween and the festivites leading up to. Laney was Sleeping Beauty and Landry was a pink fairy.

My goodness, I love that they are both saying "CHEESE" in this picture. You can totally tell by their little mouths.

We had a party on Sunday night and I dressed Landry up as Cinderella. With her blonde hair and blue eyes; she was quite cute!

We had the Waddlers and Toddlers Parade in Mahncke Park! It was a lot of fun walking up and down the streets with the little ones.

 Before Trick or Treating we went by Laney's friend's house for a Halloween Party! We had so much fun at Elissa's that we had a hard time leaving to go trick or treat! We only went to a few houses but got plenty of candy!

I never knew a child could love lollipops as much as Landry! She goes after the suckers and I am embarrassed to admit how many she had Halloween night. A lot!

Good Night October 31st! The girls were in their cute glow in the dark Gap t shirts that we kept turning off and on the lights to view before bed time.

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