Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Last Soccer Game with Thunder

Laney had her last soccer game of the season. I enjoyed watching this little girl play futbol too! Let me just admit; this might not be her thing. I really don’t care (sort of) because she smiles, laughs, runs all over that field. She may or may not be interested in the ball but she looks quite graceful on the green. 
She scored her first goal the game before. She was so proud and happy and so were we! Here is a clip:
Here are some pictures of her running all over that soccer field, playing with her ponytail, etc.

 This is such a sweet memory. Laney was mouthing "I love you" to me on the field. She was pointing to her mouth to tell me. She is so sweet!

We had a wonderful first season with Laney playing soccer. The team Thunder had the most patient coaches and some really great parents. I can't wait to

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