Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Cookie Party!

I had my second annual cookie party/exchange during the Christmas holidays. This year the party took place at Lambermont Castle; where I also had Laney's birthday party. I love this place and it was the perfect setting for a festive cookie exchange.

 The beautiful entry way as you enter the house before everyone's arrival and Christmas trees in the front room. Dona has such an eye for decorating and a stunning home.

The lids for everyone's containers that I personalized and sprinkled throughout the room. The ladies went around and found their names.

 Before the party the first guests to arrive....
Ta Da! The cookies on display. We had to make room on different tables for all of the sweet delights and let me tell you---the cookies were delicious! I had way more than my share going home.

 We all crammed onto the stairway to take a picture and it was a squeeze! But we managed to get a few...
Shout out to Julia for making it with brand new baby Otto!!! What a wonderful friend to still manage to make it after having a newborn.

The game this year was guessing how many wine corks were in the glass vases--there were 176 total. Disclaimer: they were not all mine.

Courtney and Suz!! And what would a party be without Suzanne?! Whom I owe the tradition of the cookie party. When we first moved here she invited me to her cookie exchange and she nows live in Lubbock. Thank you Suz!  For your friendship, introducing me to lovely ladies, and always making a special trip to SA!

My BFFEAETWDSBS! Thank you for driving in from Houston to make it. I am so happy our newfound traditions this year--can't wait for Nutcracker Market!
 The Jim Ned Girls and Matthew's good friends (now mine!!) from high school; Megan and Emily.
 Laughing with Megan Perkins! I wish I'd gotten more pictures with all of the sweet girls that came but had such a wonderful time! These parties always go by too quickly for my liking!

The "thank you's" for coming to the party (mini cookie cutters). I am so very, very thankful for all the wonderful friendships here in San Antonio. I can't say it enough but how blessed we feel we have been living here.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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