Thursday, January 05, 2012

Every story has an ending, but in life, endings are just beginnings

Well, I finally pulled the trigger and am officially a SAHM!!!

It has been five years since I started my career with Whole Foods. I remember the day I discovered that I wanted to work at WF; immediately after I visited the glamorous and overwhelming Lamar Store. Somehow I got an interview. I still remember the nervousness with the panel, the phone call from NB getting the offer, and my first close week. All of these things feel like yesterday, in a way they kind of were.

This was my chance to learn accounting and become a bean counter. And I did, sort of. The niche known as "occupancy" and all the craziness from a company that operates as green and organic as they come.
Matthew and I started off living in Round Rock and then I commuted to and from Austin for over two and a half years once we moved to San Antonio. On many levels, and to many people, this was pure chaos and insanity. I thrive on this lifestyle although I don't know why! But I enjoyed the challenges that Whole Foods presented on every level. My good bye to my former employer was a couple of weeks ago; two weeks before Christmas actually. An early Christmas present to all of us I suppose.

Glancing back and reflecting I realize something. I grew up a tremendous amount in my five years, if that is possible in your 30's. This was a huge part of my life though for some time. I dove into an intense area of accounting, Matthew started and finished law school, we had two children, moved to San Antonio, commuted for a few years, and Whole Foods was there through all of this. I understand the sadness I felt leaving but I know in my heart the decision was right. The last goodbye was the absolute worst and leaving my co-workers and friends was just bittersweet. It wasn't a few tears but lots of sobs and hiccuping.  Anything but graceful. I loved my team and wouldn't have expected anything less.

The plan is to stay at home with the girls and enjoy this window of time I have while they are little; work will always be there in some form one day. I know that I enjoy having something to call my own and giving back to the greater good. I believe in Whole Food's philosophy and truly it was a wonderful company to work for. I don't know if I will ever find "that" again and I've accepted not having another Whole Foods. In a sense, I did not want to leave but in another I knew it was time.

 Thank you Matthew, thank you, thank you, thank you. I won't be able to say it enough.

I also plan on focusing on school, still getting my Master's and sitting for the CPA exam--eventually. I wonder if I will glance back on this and laugh, as I often do with planning.

Since my career started, the Operational Accounting Team grew from 6 to 12 individuals. Being one of the original crew, leaving was simply hard. There are so many faces I love in this picture and will always look back with the fondest memories. I am so blessed to have had such a unique experience.

Many chapters in life are hard to end and this one was. An unforgettable book in a way. There are friendships and memories that I will always cherish and love in life and this is one of them.

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