Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Santa's Lap

We visited Santa on the very 1st day of December this year! We always enjoy going to Matthew's Christmas party at the Westin Centre and seeing Santa for free!!!!

Well, the pictures tell the story.

But the first thing Santa said to Laney was "I've been waiting on you...."
So adorable! She just lit up and went right into wanting an American Doll and Landry wanting an Itty Bitty Baby. I love how she includes her baby sister in her list--always thinking of Landry too; she has such a pleasing and servant's heart.

Landry was not very fond of Santa this year. Enough said.

Once Landry started reaching for me I had to rescue her! Poor Santa tried to calm her down but she wanted off that lap!

And precious Charlotte and Santa; she too reached but without tears. I had hoped Landry would follow her lead.

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