Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Surprise Virginia!

Happy 70th Birthday Sweet Virginia!

We had a surprise party for Virginia on Sunday, November 27th. We spent a couple of days at the ranch after Thanksgiving to celebrate the season with the Crowell's. And we celebrated 70 years with V!

I was lazy (and have been) and didn't get any pictures before Sunday in the hill country!

But here are some party pictures.

Everyone waiting at Clairlene's before Richard and Virginia arrived. We had "pretended" to leave to go back to  San Antonio and said our goodbye....or so she thought.

Driving Up.....

Coming inside....surprise!

Look how little Landry is compared to her Daddy! I am still amazed at how tall Matthew is but when I seem my munchkin I just can't believe how little she is holding his hand.

Oh my girls. My girls, my girls, my girls.

 I love surprises!! And many, many people love Virginia. It was such a sweet party with dear friends and company. I'm so thankful to have such a sweet Mother in Law.

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