Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Staying at Home

Staying at Home. This is, quite honestly, something I never thought I would do. More importantly, didn't realize I would enjoy. This time with my girls is priceless and I know I will not regret this decision. Someone once told me that children are big a lot longer than they are little. This kind of stuck with me and the realization that I'd certainly be working when they "grow up".  I still have them in MDO M,W,F and this allows me to catch up around the house and get a few things done on my agenda. And school has been wonderful for them both.

These past few weeks I've been trying to figure out a routine, how to spend the days, how to feel mentally stimulated, and still do it all as a stay at home. I must admit, the mathematics I had calculated and 40-50 hours that would free up--let's just admit it didn't work out that way. Our days are busier than I anticipated them being and if I want to stay in pj's all day; well I guess I can have. I think the biggest factor has been participating in activities we simply weren't able to before with my commute to Austin and working full time. Although, I still find myself having to pick and choose what we do.

After the holidays, the realization hit that I would not be going back to Whole Foods. It was a bittersweet feeling. But the very first Monday morning that I didn't have to get up at 4:45 am, I woke Matthew up and said "thank you". Truly, I am thankful for this window of time to have with my girls and to feel in a financial position that we can do this; even if it is short lived. In a perfect world, part time and remote. Although, this usually has to be earned I am hoping it will be again, one day, be possible.

How we've spent most of January, well, let me try to recap some of our activities. I feel like I've been on more play dates this month than the entire time working. Time, still, has flurried by but I realized that I am getting to know Landry in a way I feel like I was somehow missing. I really hate admitting this but she is such a spunky little girl with a defiance I've never known yet such a cuddly, hold me now demeanor. She really adores her big sister and is quite a daredevil. She loves to hold onto my legs tightly if she knows she is in trouble or if she is afraid.
Laney is just as sweet as always. She is such a good big sister and watches out for mothers Landry in every.single.way. They have such a sweet bond though and witnessing their love for each other is priceless.

Some recent happenings....
 We like to have donuts from Shipley's with chocolate sprinkles. We eat our donuts in a unique way too.


We went to story time at the Landa Library for the first time! We enjoyed this first time adventure and look forward to going back.

 We had a mouse in our house (not cute!) and Landry was terrified. She kept saying "mouse stay" and "out house" and "mouse mean".  It was adorable and I'll never forget her fetal position on the couch.

We've been going to the park on a regular basis. Here is one of the first park and picnic adventures we had.

Being silly at home trying to ride this poor giraffe at the same time.

Sharing a seat at supper. These two always want the very same thing. Whether it be a chair, a cup, pillow---anything that one of them has the other wants!

We went to the art day at Inspire Art Center and the girls enjoyed painting, making floral crowns, and painting eggs from Ukraine.

The roller coaster in our back yard has been a real hit! Except that this makes me nervous; both girls riding together. They love it though and so far we haven't had any accidents!

 The weather this January has also been lovely. We've spent a lot of time out doors and the girls have done some painting of their own.

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