Thursday, February 02, 2012

Precious Paw Paw

The weekend of the January 21st we headed to the metroplex; just me and the girls. We went to celebrate the 89th birthday of my Paw Paw; Jess Mitchell. What a happy day we all had with thumb print cookies, German chocolate cup cakes, and the Mitchell family.

I love this picture (that I took on my IPad as I forgot my camera!) of Paw Paw and his four children. It is times like these that I witness the enjoyment of possibly having four.

I learned that he had 35 flights over Germany during the war. We all looked at his "lucky bastard" certificate (it really said this!!) and saw all of the dates and cities. It is really just so sad but the odds of coming back were 50/50 and because of his skill, luck, the good Lord, he was able to celebrate 89 years with all of us! And none of us my immediate family, minus Dad, would be here if it weren't for Paw Paw! It's actually kind of crazy when you really think of the odds.

All of the little cousins played. Laney adores Morgan. When she walks into the room she kind of just stops suspended when she realizes older Morgan is there! Then poor Landry is kind of left out. Oh, I remember doing this to my sister--sorry Lesley!

I really love this picture with Paw Paw. He is such a happy man that has lived a very blessed life. I'm thankful to celebrate another year with him!

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