Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday

We spent our Thanksgiving holiday in Dallas this year. The morning began with the Dallas Turkey Trot where Lesley, Andy, Jkon, Landon, Lauren, and I ran 8 miles to compensate for all the calories we'd be consuming later! Trot was just about right since I definitely did not race and I must admit--it was nice!!

 And let me admit (while I am at it) that I aspire to be able to roast a turkey, bake a perfect sweet potato casserole, and acquire the patience to chop up the necessary veggies for the dressing like my Momma and Aunt Susan do every  year. The food was delicious! I don't know if I have it in me but I suppose the years will see.

And below are a flurry of pictures to try and capture the chaotic, yet joyful, day.

The kids table with all the little cousins. It doesn't seem like such a long time ago that I sat here. Laney looking over her shoulder reminds me of a picture we have somewhere of me at Thanksgiving at my Rangy's. Then there is Matthew sitting with all the kiddos; go figure.

 Everyone eating the grub! And Lesley's sweet sweet friend,Jessica Konvicka, was able to spend Thanksgiving with us.
The twins--Lily and Katie and my twin cousin (same birthday people!) too!

I almost forgot--but Landry had a rash on her face when we were in Dallas.We aren't sure what caused it but she kept getting little hives all over her face. You can kind of tell in the picture below.

 A big group hug from my Uncle Rob...

My sweet Paw Paw...
 Most of us grabbed a quick picture with Paw Paw and the crew of Berg's. I love the imperfectness of this picture and all of the people in it.

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